Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Geen Pers (muskieten)

De conservatief-rechts pers in Amerika klaagt flink over het gebrek aan persvoorlichting (o.a. Fox News), eerst onder Joe Biden (zelfbescherming tegen frequente blunders) en nu onder Kamala Harris (opzettelijk beleid??). Ook in Nederland lijkt de pers opzettelijk te worden gemeden. Ik juich deze ontwikkeling eigenlijk wel toe. De media en pers zijn allesbehalve...

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Welke “Ruk naar Rechts”?

De grootste verrassing van 6 juni 2024 was de afwezigheid van een grote verrassing, zoals in Nederland op 22 november 2023. De verwachte “Ruk naar Rechts” (in de media) viel mij heel erg mee. Eigenlijk had ik meer anti-Europees sentiment verwacht. Rusland zal daarom teleurgesteld zijn. De afstraffing van de Franse president is misschien de uitzondering. Hij is...

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Pasta producers in hot water over soaring prices (FT)

Financial Times title: Pasta producers in hot water over soaring prices FT subtitle: Brands including Barilla and Panzani in tussle with EU governments as mark-ups continue despite lower wheat prices By: Madeleine Speed, Silvia Sciorilli Borrelli, Laura Onita and Eri Sugiura Date: 21 June 2023 "European pasta producers are facing growing pressure...

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The rich world’s housing crunch is far from over (The Economist)

The Economist title: The rich world’s housing crunch is far from over The Economist subtitle: Markets can be split into three camps: early adjusters, bullet-dodgers and slow movers Date: 2 April 2023 "At times during the long boom that followed the global financial crisis of 2007-09, it seemed as if house prices would never stop rising. Sales surged as a cocktail of...

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Why there are so few babies in southern Europe (the Economist)

The Economist title: Why there are so few babies in southern Europe Economist subtitle: It’s mostly economics Date: 16 February 2023 "The museo degli innocenti in Florence has an unusual name and hosts an unusual display: a collection of small broken objects, mostly medallions. They were split in two when a baby was delivered to Florence’s hospital for...

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Does crime fiction reflect reality?

I like several British and Scandinavian TV crime series. Recently, I started wondering if (their) crime fiction reflects reality? Based on my initial research, the answer seems clear: yes. Even in the Netherlands, there is a correlation: Baantjer (crime in Amsterdam), Penoza (drugs crime in Brabant). Statistics show that the "homicide rate in the UK was 1.2 per...

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