Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Finding vs searching

Does the aether represent “dark” matter & energy?

While writing my previous blog - Dark matter: complexity or simplicity?? - a thought appeared in my mind: is the aether responsible for reflecting “dark” or invisible matter and energy? My choice of the word reflecting is on purpose. Another angle is this one: how can “several” suns illuminate an entire universe?? Moreover, the aether could (also) explain the tired...

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Finding our goals in life

Usually, we do not think about finding our goals in life. Those goals arrive “automatically” and/or subconsciously. For nearly everyone, our primary goal is survival (eg, food, housing, water). For most of us, money is our secondary goal in life because money satisfies our needs and our wants. When our needs and our wants (in life) have been satisfied then finding...

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If love is the answer, what was the question?

Recently, I noticed this question: If love is the answer, what was the question? It intrigued me to find that question. After some contemplation, I answered with the following question: What's the meaning of life? The ancient Roman philosopher Titus Pomponius Atticus (110 BC-32 BC) seems to agree with me. source, see #33 As also mentioned in earlier blogs, our...

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We are all searching for something for our entire life

Last week, we reached a joint conclusion: we are all searching for something for our entire life. She added that some people are actively searching while others are searching passively. In my life, this 'something' has been - and still is - a moving target (eg, contributing to society, delivering added value, learning, money, status, teaching, wisdom). I suppose...

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Can you actually find what you are looking for?

Yesterday, I found an expression in someone's profile text: "Wie wat vindt heeft slecht gezocht". This Dutch expression is the title of a 1972 volume of poetries by Rutger Kopland (1934-2012), Dutch poet. I was not looking for this expression and I accidentally stumbled on it. Nevertheless, the notion behind this expression has been on my mind for quite some time....

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