Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Fast vs Slow thinking

The unpleasantness of thinking

Recently, the Psychological Bulletin published a “meta-analytic review of the association between mental effort and negative affect”. That review was entitled as “The unpleasantness of thinking”. I agree that “critical thinking is not just hard work but also mentally draining”. I disagree that it’s “often unpleasant”. Source: The Debrief, covering the recent...

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Why do we sabotage our own success?

My blog title has been borrowed from a recent article in the online magazine Aeon. I did wonder about this question as well, given some of my actions. In my early 2022 blog Self-sabotaging, I had assumed that self-sabotage was about conscious versus subconscious. The problem is that nobody knows what consciousness is because it remains a scientific mystery. The...

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Need for Speed

During my second sleep of last Tuesday night, I became convinced that I had an unfinished blog, called Need for Speed. That was it. No further words. No idea about its contents. I decided to wake up early and started writing the first paragraph of this blog. Later that day, I still failed to understand its message. Nowadays, speed is absent in my life. There is no...

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Why do we underestimate?

While watching the tv series The Catch (eg, IMDb), I suddenly wondered this: do we always underestimate? Our underestimations are usually about (i) whether we can trust someone, or (ii) how much space and/or time something takes (eg, LinkedIn, Medium, Quora, Tiny Buddha). The answer may relate to the "problem-solving principle" Occam's razor. It's often...

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Mijn andere ik

Onlangs bedacht ik me dat er een groot verschil is tussen mijn pratende ik en mijn schrijvende ik. De laatste is vooral bedachtzaam met woorden en legt zijn onderliggende intenties op een goudschaaltje. De eerste is vooral stellig in doen en laten. Ik kan me slecht voorstellen dat ik hierin uniek ben. Misschien heeft het te maken met het tijdsaspect van geschreven...

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Loving solitude = loving freedom?!

Recently, a Kenyan acquaintance posted the following: "Alone is not always loneliness. Alone is getting to find myself. [..]" In my view, she meant solitude. Hence, I replied by stating: "Solitude and loneliness are two very different concepts, despite being alone in both." She agreed. Several days later, I noticed a quote by Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860), a...

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