Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


“Accountants moeten obsessie met zekerheid loslaten”

Bovenstaande titel in een Accountancy Vanmorgen artikel pakte mijn interesse. Het bleek van mijn oud-PWN collega John van der Starre te zijn. Accountants vertonen inderdaad vaak ayatollah gedrag: kan niet, mag niet, maar ook wil niet. Zekerheid is een deel van hun geloof. Absolute zekerheid bestaat niet. Zelfs onze zon stopt uiteindelijk. Hoeveel relatieve zekerheid...

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Blind vertrouwen

Recent vroeg ik een ex-vriendin wat ze van mij wil. "Niets", beweerde ze. In het verleden heeft ze echter tegen mij gelogen, en die kwesties waren nogal belangrijk. Ik vertelde haar dat mijn blind vertrouwen verdwenen is, en dat mijn vertrouwen in haar fragiel is. Haar antwoord: "Vertrouw je instinct". Na enige nachten wikken en wegen zei mijn instinct dat ik haar...

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Keep the Faith

Why is it so hard to keep your faith that things will get better?? Last Friday, I was looking for news articles on someone who is important to me. I use Google Alerts for such a purpose. After creating a draft alert, I noticed an article. After reading that article, I decided to delete my draft alert. That news did not raise my hopes - to put it mildly. I then...

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Faith versus ideology

Recently, Pope Francis made an intriguing comment about faith versus ideology: “In other words, ideologies replace faith.” See National Review, 28 August 2023: Pope Francis Says ‘Reactionary’ U.S. Catholic Church Has Replaced Faith with ‘Ideology’. It's intriguing because any Religion = ideology. In my blogs, I separate faith from Religion. As I once said to someone...

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If there’s only 1 God then why has God so many names?

In various blogs, I mentioned the various names of a Supreme Being, like Ahura Mazda, Allah, God, Jupiter, Odin, Shiva, Yahweh and Zeus. Recently, I wondered: if there’s just 1 God then why has God so many names?? The ultimate answer may well be in Mahatma Gandhi's message below. Scientists have never found any culture without evidence of...

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Feeling listless and without inspiration

I could blame my coffee machine that broke down after some 10+ years of service. I could blame our rainy summer weather. I doubt it's about coffee or sunshine. I suppose it's far deeper. A recent road trip to Germany lifted my spirits. A lack of hotel sleep made matters worse, however. Actually, I do not (yet) know my reason(s) for feeling listless and bored. As a...

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