Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Observational study supports century-old theory that challenges the Big Bang (Phys)

Introduction LO: This article is interesting because it explains why scientists at the University of Ottawa (eg, Phys-2023) claimed in mid 2023 that our Universe is (at least) twice as old (ie, 26.7 billion years). The underlying tired light theory (1929) by astronomer Fritz Zwicky (1898-1974) makes much more sense than the Big Bang theory, which was originally...

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How Did Life Get Big and Complex? (Quanta)

Introduction LO: This fine Quanta article focuses on the how of evolution. I miss an explanation for why did life get big and complex? In my view, Everything follows Why (eg, how, what, when, where, who). The article briefly mentions the multiple attempts in transferring from successful simple single cell organisms (eg, bacteria) towards complex multicellular...

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Weird thoughts

Last Wednesday morning, I woke up early due to the morning sunlight and weird thoughts. I wanted to escape that “dream” as it annoyed me. It was about working for a very disorganised and/but attractive woman. I suppose my loyalty towards her prevented me from refusing that work. This work related “dream” was not about (my) fear. Usually, those dreams are about (my)...

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It’s better to be alone than being lonely in a relationship

A relationship used to be a goal in my life. Like many other people, I prefer to be alone nowadays. I’m not sure when I’ve changed my mind. I suppose dating failures explain the how and the why. Dating appears to be a game or a leisure activity rather than anything serious. Perhaps, I’ve given up although I doubt that. I’ve just accepted reality. If anyone serious...

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Humans use teaching as the main method for learning (eg, children, schools). Unlearning may not be possible. To forget what we have learned is not similar to unlearning. Forgetting is temporary; unlearning is permanent. Fear can be used as a (human) tool for “unlearning”. However, sometimes fear triggers temptation in some people. Quite often such people long for...

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Growth: what goes up must come down

Growth refers to many different topics: body, brain, business, cancer, climate, economy, ethics, inflation, politics, population, and the Universe. We use many different adjectives to describe growth, like: absolute, actual, historical, marginal, projected, relative. A decline is even negative growth. Source: Our World in Data The population diagram for 1750-2100...

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