Intro LO: A recent Axios article on the U.S. rank in global healthy life expectancy caught my attention. The American healthcare system is a conundrum as it’s the best and the most expensive, while American life expectancy is only declining. The recent killing of an American healthcare CEO shows another, dark, industry feature because it’s “excellent” in denying...
Equality vs inequality
Birds of a feather flock together
8 Oct, 2024
Recently, Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant published an article that caught my curiosity and my interest: How do I step outside my bubble more often? My question is/was simple: do I need, want, or believe in this?? Hence, I asked my girlfriend. She was also skeptical. Perhaps given our differences. The ancient Dutch saying is "soort zoekt soort", which translates like...
Amerika vs Europa
2 Aug, 2024
Onlangs publiceerde de Volkskrant dit artikel: “Amerika ligt qua welvaart mijlenver voor op Europa: gaat de inhaalslag er ooit komen?“ Zelden zal ik het ergens minder mee eens zijn geweest. In absolute economische termen heeft de schrijver echter ongetwijfeld gelijk. In relatieve zin heeft de gemiddelde Europeaan het (veel) beter qua welvaart en welzijn. Waar komt...
Diversiteit versus evenredige vertegenwoordiging
6 Oct, 2023
"De zeven miljoen witte heterojongens en -mannen in Nederland horen over diversiteit dat zij maar twee dingen kunnen doen: hun mond houden en ruimte maken." Dit is de openingszin van een FD opinie van Joris Luyendijk. Mijn eerste gedachte: en de 7 miljoen witte vrouwen en meisjes dan?? Diversiteit staat haaks op evenredige vertegenwoordiging. Eigenlijk is...
Idealism vs populism
20 Jun, 2023
In a recent video (>3 min.), Dutch vlogger Harry Vermeegen wondered why liberal-left beliefs qualify as idealism, while conservative-right beliefs qualify as populism. His remark triggered a question that had once been on my mind, but which I had discarded back then, for reasons I cannot recall. The ingredients of conservative-right beliefs are either (i) emotions...
The surprising fall in global inequality (Axios)
18 Jun, 2023
Axios Macro: The surprising fall in global inequality By: Neil Irwin and Courtenay Brown Date: 14 June 2023 "This century has known a startling decrease in global income inequality, bringing it back to levels not seen in well over a century. That's the conclusion that Branko Milanovic, one of the world's foremost inequality researchers, comes to in an...
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