Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


What enables also interferes

A recent Aeon-Psyche article stated that "language both enables and interferes with our grasp of reality". Indeed, our language enables our communication and/but will also result in confusion (eg, meaning, translation). Actually, everything that enables will also interfere (eg, life vs death). This phenomenon may relate to dualism (eg, knowledge = power) and/or...

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Is time a measure of entropy?

Recently, I noticed several articles about Betelgeuse, a "red supergiant star [] and one of the largest visible to the naked eye". Allegedly, this star will "soon" turn into a supernova, "a powerful luminous explosion of a star". The timeline of that event varies between a few hundred years to 100,000 years. Everything in life, nature and the universe appears to be...

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The matrix of macro vs micro + negative vs positive

Recently, I got curious about plotting synergy while using a matrix with the "axes" of macro vs micro and negativity vs positivity. My initial diagram showed that both perspectives gave very generic results. Then it occurred to me that both perspectives zoom in/out (ie, focus) on generic dimensions. Please find my updated diagram below. My initial topic (ie,...

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Drivers of Change: a 2022 update

Several of my blogs have mentioned the drivers of Change, which govern everything around us. Late April 2018, I published my initial blog Drivers of Change, which included a rather complex diagram. I suppose I was still arranging my thoughts. Today, I present a much simpler diagram. Perhaps, the single most important item in my diagram is the Blueprint of our...

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Humans are creating chaos and order. Order wins.

Humans are creating chaos (eg, pollution, wars) and order (eg, infrastructure, legal system). Nevertheless, our ordering appears to be the winning default. Both chaos and order may result from human beliefs (eg, the 7 Belief systems - 2015 original and 2019 update). Human beliefs result from our consciousness. My blog's title is a thought that entered my mind while...

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Why are human beliefs stronger than our conscience?

There's a 5 billion year competition going on between (unicellular) bacteria and (non-cellular) viruses (Aeon-2014). The cells in multicellular organisms must cooperate - by definition. However, cooperation creates a dependence on others. Independence - or freedom from others - has its advantages and disadvantages. Quanta-2021: "And even today, there are far more...

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