Last Monday’s blog mentioned the apparent emptiness of existence that I seemed to witness during my Italian trip. It scared - and still scares - me. Actually, I had already felt that notion during my 2014 trip to the Dominican Republic, my 2017 blog. As far as I’m concerned, the emptiness of existence results from an absence of remaining goals in life. Hence, you...
Mission accomplished
Last Saturday, a blog title entered my mind: mission accomplished. That feeling resulted from my 3-week trip to Italy, which ended last Friday. Actually, several blog titles have passed my mind during my trip but those only made it to my list of potential topics. This one feels different. On 1 May 2003, the (then) US President made a televised speech on an aircraft...
Get a grip on myself
I need to get a grip on myself. My emotions are taking over. Ratio is on the losing hand. For several days, I have been feeling empty. Also see my 2016 blog on palpable emptiness. An online friend said that I need a hug. She's more right than she may know. Hugs are missing in my life. Partly, this is of my own doing. It's difficult (for me) to combine a preference...
Saturday a week ago, a sudden sensation of emptiness came over me. If anything, it was a rational "feeling" rather than anything emotional. Moreover, it felt different than loneliness (an emotional low) or solitude (a "rational" high). Also see my related blogs on solitude & loneliness. A 2015 Thought Catalog article by Nicole Tarkoff describes it well. To...
Dominican Republic
In May 2014, I visited the Dominican Republic (DR), one of my most remarkable destinations ever. The month of May wasn't a smart choice as I quickly learned. I am not sure what I disliked most: the heat, the humidity, or the mosquitos sucking the blood from my ankles and leaving me with itching bites. I recommend visiting from September to March/April. During the...
The unbearable heaviness of Emptiness
Recently, a friend excused herself for being so busy. She wondered why she was planning so much. I suggested to her that she might avoid silence. She acknowledged and then wondered whether it might be to fill the emptiness. I agreed. Both are related. Often we fill the emptiness with sounds (eg, elevators, shopping malls) as we fear silence and the feeling of...
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