Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans



In (legal) contracts and/or Service Level Agreements (SLA’s), an opt-out condition might well be its most overlooked feature. In our lives, others are responsible for our opt-in (eg, parents), and our opt-out (eg, euthanasia). In most countries, opting-out is (very) difficult - or just impossible - once you choose to follow the legal means (eg, euthanasia in the...

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Yes, but ……

Several days ago, my girlfriend started saying to me: “Yes, but you …….”. I made a joke about her remark. However, I also realised that this common “yes, but” is quite an interesting blog topic. Actually, I prefer saying “yes, and ……”; also the Ariana Grande song below. I agree with this Kinetic remark: “"Yes, buts" [..] are conversation killers. They close the door...

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I feel nothing

Usually, my intuition sends me a clear message: okay OR stay away. Sometimes, I do not listen to my intuition, and then my feelings get burned subsequently. For some time, there’s someone who doesn’t appear on my intuition radar. I feel nothing. I fail to understand why. Since several months, I’ve been hiding in my shell (see song below), following another...

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How to deal with someone’s denial

"Overcoming denial often depends on the nature of the problem. People often come to terms with the reality of a situation on their own given time and support." (source). I suppose this answer is valid. Still, by not challenging someone's denial, it may/will feel like denying someone's denial. In my past, I would confront someone's denial. I used to believe that...

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The road to hell is paved with good intentions

My blog title has been on my list of topics for some time. I didn’t know how to address it. The recent news about a nurse, being a Female Serial Killer (eg, Guardian, 24 August), changed my perspective. This excerpt bothered me though: “babies who were grievously ill”. Most known serial killers are male, while only few are female. Guardian-2023: Female Serial...

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Is it a pity that we have so many opinions??

Recently, I had a conversation about the abundance of opinions. In our past, you had to send your handwritten or typed opinion in a sufficiently stamped envelope to a newspaper that might not even publish it. Since about 20 years, everyone can publish an opinion (eg, Facebook-2004, Twitter-2006). Hence, my question: Is it a pity that we have so many opinions?? The...

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