Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Economics & Finance

Geloof in AI als wondermiddel vervliegt (FD)

Introductie LO: Onderstaand FD artikel van 17 september 2024 geeft een aardig inzicht in de 4 SWOT categorieën uit mijn schema van 12 juni 2023. Bron: mijn blog Artificial Intelligence, a SWOT analysis, 12 juni 2023 Alternatief, in de recente woorden van Murat Durmus op LinkedIn: de papegaai die denkt dat hij Picasso is………. Geloof in AI als wondermiddel vervliegt...

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De-dollarizing fantasyland

Intro LO: Late October, I received an interesting and intriguing Bloomberg email newsletter, entitled De-dollarizing fantasyland. That Bloomberg New Economy article is stated below. I suppose this article is - ultimately - about trust, distrust and mistrust. The dollar may not be liked (eg, by BRICS countries). However, the US$ is trusted despite the 1971 comment by...

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Can AI live up to the hype?

Recently, economist Daron Acemoglu and Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology claimed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can only do 5% of jobs. Bloomberg: “You’re not going to get an economic revolution”. Hence, he fears a “massive crash” in a bubble. I agree. Before his prediction, we had several doomsday predictions by the IMF...

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Why is China creating so many enemies?

Increasingly, it looks like every nation is an economic, geopolitical, and/or military enemy of China, once their national interests collide with Chinese interests. Remarkably, China is now also creating domestic adversaries. I cannot imagine that China needs and/or wants such adversaries or enemies. Hence, the explanation must be about (extreme) beliefs. Such...

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How to stop Europe’s decline (WaPo) ??

Recently, the Washington Post (WaPo) published this article: How to stop Europe’s decline, an opinion by its Editorial Board. Its subtitle was: "Fixing the European Union’s flagging economy will require it to reconsider key elements of its architecture." The WaPo may well be right about Europe's flagging economy but why do they fail to see the American decline...

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Het substitutie dilemma

Soms wil je graag dat er iets zou veranderen (bijv. baan, huis, relatie, spel). Ik kijk nog altijd naar huizen op Funda maar zie nooit iets beters. De enige keer dat ik wel ging kijken, schrok ik van een erg onduidelijk maar heftig gevoel. Dit is het substitutie dilemma: je zou het misschien wel willen, maar het lijkt niet te kunnen, of niet te mogen. Af en toe...

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