In yesterday's blog, Dreams, I wrote the following: "In my view, the soul is the linking pin between individual and universal consciousness." That sentence bugged me for some reason, and has resulted in this new blog and new diagram. I suppose that the above classification is new to me. After some reflection, it (still) feels valid. This classification also allows...
Can China solve its unemployment issues? (SCMP)
22 Aug, 2024
Introduction LO: China is well-known for its trade-off between (its promise of) economic progress and (the lack of individual) freedom (eg, AEA-2018, HBR-2015). However, that trade-off has been deteriorating ever since its disastrous zero-Covid policy. Unemployment issues have been worsening due to China’s political targeting of its entrepreneurs (eg, disappearance,...
Everything we do is either an expression of love or a request for love
30 Oct, 2023
My title is a translation of a Dutch saying (eg, Dutch examples). This saying was new to me and caught my immediate attention. Once you start thinking about it then it indeed seems true. Feel free to change the word love by the word attention. I prefer the word love though. The Nobel-winning English polymath Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) wrote about...
What enables also interferes
20 Sep, 2023
A recent Aeon-Psyche article stated that "language both enables and interferes with our grasp of reality". Indeed, our language enables our communication and/but will also result in confusion (eg, meaning, translation). Actually, everything that enables will also interfere (eg, life vs death). This phenomenon may relate to dualism (eg, knowledge = power) and/or...
25 Aug, 2023
Onlangs schreef iemand dat de naam Nieuw Sociaal Contract vervelende associaties opriep. Ze heeft inderdaad gelijk als je de afkorting (NSC) bekijkt. Haar vervolg opmerking begreep ik nog beter: "[ ] een naam zegt juist veel. Moet direct duidelijk zijn waar het voor staat. [] Contract met wat/wie/waarover..". Politiek draait principieel om macht, of om tegenmacht,...
Why do animals, humans and plants dislike rain?
30 Jun, 2023
Recently, I read that all birds look for cover during heavy rain, except for wood-pigeons (eg, 2014 blog, Quora, source). As a result, these pigeons may die from hypothermia. It's not only birds but also humans and plants. Hence, this Naked Scientists question: Why do animals (and humans) dislike getting wet? I once read that plants panic as they fear the impact of...
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