Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Unknown known definitions

There are several words in our lives for which we have no precise definition, like consciousness, friendship, life, and love. Still, we know what we mean with those words. Another word for unknown knowns is instinct or intuition. No scientist can explain consciousness. In my view, our individual consciousness might well relate to a universal mind or universal...

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There comes a time

In an episode of TV series Endeavour (eg, IMDb, video), there’s a phrase that goes like this: there comes a time when you need to make a choice. That phrase struck me as very valid, and in probably everyone’s life. The Martin Luther King quote below adds an important element: conscience. I suppose that most of our choices are almost fully automatic, and hardly ever...

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A healthy mind in a healthy body

I grew up in a small village in the 1960s. I suppose that most villagers knew about each other's reputations. We played outside all of the time, with no supervision. Nevertheless, my parents seemed aware of our activities. Back then, they didn't seem to worry about our independence. A 2023 WaPo article (below) suggests that children develop a mental health crisis...

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When to get off on a dead-end street

Several of my blogs stated that life is like a roundabout (eg, 2017 and 2023). Sometimes, its exits are a one-way street (my 2023 blog), or even a dead-end street. Marriages and/or relationships show similar exit features (eg, a break-up or divorce). The main question is: when to get off. The other 5 main questions (ie, How-What-Where-Who-Why) have - usually -...

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Male friendships declining??

"The May 2021 American Perspectives Survey [found] that Americans report having fewer close friendships than they once did, talking to their friends less often, and relying less on their friends for personal support." The number of American men with no friends increased from 3% in 1990 to 15% in 2021. This survey got lots of international attention (eg, CNN-2022, El...

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Life is a series of separation events

I heard the phrase above in the crime series Instinct (eg, IMDB). It caught my immediate attention. Its focus is on separation, which usually has a negative connotation. I noticed a neutral perspective by Deeepak Subedi: "Life is a series of events, and with each event, we attach meaning." "Life is a series of events, and with each event, we attach meaning. With...

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