Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Divine intervention

Anything given can be taken away

Several weeks ago, my blog title entered my mind. It refers to all 3 dimensions: Knowledge (eg, health, life), Love (eg, relationships), and Power (eg, leadership). It applies to macro (eg, society) and micro (eg, individual) situations. These macro and micro situations refer to giving and taking. Governments and organisations can give (eg, allowances, benefits,...

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When is our life completed?

Since several weeks, a Dutch organisation is using radio commercials to gain (financial) support for changing our laws on completed lives. The issue of completed lives is one of our last taboos. It's weird that we are allowed to kill our pets, while we are not allowed to show mercy to humans. During my 2013 burnout, I did consider ending my own life. I did not have...

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Joie de vivre

This topic isn't easy due to recent events. Actually, it hasn't been easy since that day in May 2013. Ever since my 2013 burnout and subsequent 18 month depression, joie de vivre doesn't come natural anymore. Faith, Hope and Love also keep me going; see my 15 March 2023 blog. Faith and religion are two separate items. I'm not religious while I have lots of faith....

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Ageing means Nothing Really Matters

In 2019, my then-neighbour was sorry to hear about my imminent relocation. At her age (then 98), all her friends and relatives had already passed away. As a helpful neighbour, I provided some sense of security. A year before, she had expressed her regrets for outliving everyone. A few days ago, my mother suddenly said that she had never expected to reach 88 next...

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Depression is not a chemical imbalance in the brain.

On 21 May 2013, at about 4PM, it felt as if someone pushed a button at the back of my head during a meeting at work. My body then refused to follow my brain's instructions. Anything not work-related was not a problem (eg, driving home). After listening to my story, my doctor did not prescribe medication. On 20 July 2022, University College London published a "major...

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The final taboo

Recently, a friend said that (s)he wished (s)he was dead. Several years ago, someone expressed a similar wish; see my 2015 blog The road to recovery from a burn-out and depression. At my weakest moments, I have a similar feeling. Then, I remember my promise to my friend who died in 2016, and "soldier on". The 2015 blog mentioned above, refers to my 2013 burnout and...

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