Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Expectations vs Hope

There's often a thin line between expectations and hope. Sometimes, you even wonder if there's a difference. I suppose the main difference is time. Hope does not have a timeframe; expectations usually do. Both assume that something will happen. The degree of certainty varies significantly. A recent Aeon article suggests that there is another difference: When hope is...

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The second first chance

Apparently, my blog title is less common than I had assumed (apart from books by Blakely Bennett and Mona Shroff). Usually, this topic is about giving someone a second chance - or taking. Latter has been researched by psychologists, like in The psychology of having a second chance (RUG-2021). Sometimes, a first chance falls through the cracks - for whatever reason....

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Why do we believe in Fate?

The words Faith and Fate feel quite similar, semantically. I doubt that's a coincidence. In Dutch, the word Fate is ”het Lot” (eg, lottery ticket). It's fair to state that Fate refers to a slim chance on a considerable outcome, both negative (eg, accident) and positive (eg, lucky number). Hence, the Dutch word "het Lot". Faith refers to believing (eg, in a deity,...

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What exactly is the problem?

Just before I dozed off, a thought occurred to me: Why not both? What exactly is the problem? This thought refers to my Catch-22 dilemma as mentioned in my recent blog. Actually, I'm not so sure anymore whether I understand my own (dating) problem. In order to assist in my analysis, I prepared a diagram. This diagram showed me the complexities of my doubt and fear,...

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Reflections on Time

Our concept of time is a Sumerian invention of about 6,000 years ago. This explains the use of 60 seconds, 60 minutes and 24 hours because the Sumerian civilization used a Base-60 rather than our decimal system of - say - 100 seconds, 100 minutes, and 8.64 hours. Without the Sumerian notion of time, we might only have used yesterday, today and tomorrow. For several...

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Morality is defined by our intentions, our words, and our actions/deeds. The law punishes bad deeds as there were bad consequences. Without consequences, bad words may easily avoid punishment. Bad intentions are difficult to prove in court. Sometimes, people experience “moral luck” when bad deeds fail to cause bad consequences. Taking accountability and/or...

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