Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Yes, but ……

Several days ago, my girlfriend started saying to me: “Yes, but you …….”. I made a joke about her remark. However, I also realised that this common “yes, but” is quite an interesting blog topic. Actually, I prefer saying “yes, and ……”; also the Ariana Grande song below. I agree with this Kinetic remark: “"Yes, buts" [..] are conversation killers. They close the door...

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Do we know where we are going to?

Yesterday's blog on the decreasing energy of (sun) light and the increasing age of the Universe (ie, 26.7 billion years), made me realise that the age of planet Earth (ie, 4.55 billion years) is only 17.0% of the Universe. Hence, my assumed answering of the where question in yesterday's blog was wrong. The list of UFO sightings starts in 1450 BC in Africa, and has...

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Dutch explanations

Yesterday’s blog on the 2023 Dutch general election did not include any explanation. Today’s blog will. The main explanation is anger of Dutch voters towards PM Mark Rutte. Hence, all four parties that supported Rutte have lost votes: -24% (abs), -47% (rel), and -36 seats. This anger includes many topics, apart from the number of migrants and refugees. For me, it...

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Mitigating country risk in supply-chain management

Country risk used to be a somewhat minor risk management issue in banking. Today, it has become a major issue in business' supply-chain management due to China (eg, zero-Covid policy) and Russia (eg, sanctions and nationalizations following invasion of Ukraine). Hence, this recent Bloomberg comment: "Hard evidence is now emerging that all the discussions of strained...

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How to deal with someone’s denial

"Overcoming denial often depends on the nature of the problem. People often come to terms with the reality of a situation on their own given time and support." (source). I suppose this answer is valid. Still, by not challenging someone's denial, it may/will feel like denying someone's denial. In my past, I would confront someone's denial. I used to believe that...

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LGBT is <4% of population

According to research, some 3.5% of the American people quality as lesbian, gay or bisexual, and an additional 0.2% as transgender (Williams Institute-2011). In total less than 4%. Nevertheless, many news items are about the sexual identity of this small minority. Why?? It's safe to say that sex sells, a phrase that was once used for sex in advertising and later for...

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