Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Demand vs supply

A global internet blackout?

Early 2022, a subsea internet cable was cut. TBO: “The cable is operated by Space Norway, and also serves the SvalSat park of more than 100 satellite antennas. SvalSat is today the world’s largest commercial ground station with worldwide customers.” Given its purpose, sabotage was likely. The Barents Observer: “ “The failure did not in any way change the ability to...

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Forever labor shortage

It has been quite a while that I used external articles for my blogs. This Axios Macro article deserves my exception. I believe in the validity of its contents. Actually, I’m glad that its full impact will (probably) be after my demise. I’m one of the reasons why there already is a labor shortage. My 2013 decision was involuntary due a severe burn-out and subsequent...

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Is decoupling causing supply-side inflation?

A recent Bloomberg article is responsible for the question in my blog title: China Premier Warns Decoupling Will Lead to ‘Destructive Spiral’. My 2 April 2024 blog questioned a related topic: Inflation: from supply-side to demand-side? Like my 4 April 2023 blog, I concluded that “we are stuck with supply-side inflation.” My 2023 and 2024 blogs did,...

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Inflation: from supply-side to demand-side?

Usually, inflation is driven by the demand-side in economics. An increase in demand and a stable supply will cause (consumer) price increases - a.k.a. inflation. Alternatively, a decreasing supply and a stable demand will also cause inflation. Latter happened after the Russian invasion of Ukraine (2022). In 2023, consumer prices were getting back to "normal". Since...

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Inflatie: van aanbod naar vraag??

Op 22 maart plaatste het Financieele Dagblad dit artikel: “Postbezorgers krijgen loonsverhoging van 19% over de komende twee jaar”. Dit artikel maakt een onderwerp actueel dat al behoorlijk lang op mijn lijst stond: gaan we wel van aanbod-gedreven naar een vraag-gedreven inflatie?? Inflatie wordt bijna altijd veroorzaakt door een (sterk) gestegen vraag bij een...

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Demographic extinction versus nationalism

Intro LO: This recent Times article highlights a demographic topic in (very) many countries: declining birth rates that are announcing a declining population (eg, China-FT-2021). South Korea claims it “faces extinction”. That claim makes sense given the numbers in the 3rd paragraph of the article below. The 5th paragraph explains why this demographic issue is (much)...

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