Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


De Telegraaf en Geert Wilders

Op 9 januari 2025 stuurde De Telegraaf mij een e-mail update met de titel: PVV-kiezers teleurgesteld in kabinet en in gedrag van Wilders: ‘Voldoet totaal niet aan verwachtingen’. Ik vroeg me toen al af wat de intenties waren. Op 10 januari veranderde diezelfde journalist (Wierd Duk) reeds van mening in een bescheiden Telegraaf artikel, inclusief video interview: “De...

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China says its economy grew 5 percent last year. It probably didn’t. (WaPo)

Intro LO: This Washington Post opinion by its Editorial Board is a must-read if and when China is of any interest to you. Actually, this article is more about facts on China than an opinion. In my view, the following quote by the ancient Chinese military general, philosopher and strategist Sun Tzu (c.544 BC - 496 BC) from his famous book, The Art of War, applies to...

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Trump’s import tariffs

Many articles claim that Trump's proposed surge in import tariffs (eg, Canada & Mexico, BRICS nations) will cause a surge in inflation. In and of itself, that (primary) argument is true. However, such articles often ignore its secondary impact, on demand & supply. Rising inflation will only be relevant for goods & services that we need. Items that we...

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Every country has the government it deserves

My blog title is an English translation of a French saying (ie, “Toute nation a le gouvernement qu'elle mérite”) by French philosopher Joseph de Maistre (1753–1821). That French saying is getting relevance considering the (very) remarkable choices for the forthcoming 2025 U.S. Administration. I suppose such choices reveal their priorities. If not, those choices seem...

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Victim roles: individual versus collective

Apparently, collective guilt is an issue for Germans and for Russians (eg, German collective guilt, Russians And Collective Guilt). However, it might only be a media and/or a political topic (eg, DW-2019, Hungarian Conservative-2022). At least, guilt is an emotion rather than ratio. How about individual and/or collective victim roles?? “Victim mentality is...

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De-dollarizing fantasyland

Intro LO: Late October, I received an interesting and intriguing Bloomberg email newsletter, entitled De-dollarizing fantasyland. That Bloomberg New Economy article is stated below. I suppose this article is - ultimately - about trust, distrust and mistrust. The dollar may not be liked (eg, by BRICS countries). However, the US$ is trusted despite the 1971 comment by...

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