Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Het substitutie dilemma

Soms wil je graag dat er iets zou veranderen (bijv. baan, huis, relatie, spel). Ik kijk nog altijd naar huizen op Funda maar zie nooit iets beters. De enige keer dat ik wel ging kijken, schrok ik van een erg onduidelijk maar heftig gevoel. Dit is het substitutie dilemma: je zou het misschien wel willen, maar het lijkt niet te kunnen, of niet te mogen. Af en toe...

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Today is the first day of the rest of your life

My thought above also appears to be a quote by Charles Dederich. Initially, I assumed it applied to someone whom I had just met online. She preached love and understanding to me, but failed to apply those standards to herself. Earlier that same day, I had already met someone else. Recently, she and I met in real life (IRL). Now, I assume that my brain wave (and the...

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Single for too long

Recently, I had a telephone call with someone who has been single for more than 20 years. Her voice and our conversation felt pleasant. Later that day, I wanted to ask her a question about our conversation. She refused a second call. The next several days, she sent me those annoying “Good Morning” images. Initially, I replied by writing: good morning and have a nice...

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Mrs. No

Sometimes, I answer with a “No” to a question. Such an answer is rare for me. I prefer avoiding questions rather than giving negative answers. Our reason for (not) answering with a “No” may well relate to the following quote: “It’s not rude to ask a question. It’s rude to expect an answer.” A quote by Louis Theroux (b.1970), “a British-American documentarian,...

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It’s better to be alone than being lonely in a relationship

A relationship used to be a goal in my life. Like many other people, I prefer to be alone nowadays. I’m not sure when I’ve changed my mind. I suppose dating failures explain the how and the why. Dating appears to be a game or a leisure activity rather than anything serious. Perhaps, I’ve given up although I doubt that. I’ve just accepted reality. If anyone serious...

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The benefit of the doubt

Everyone understands the meaning of my blog title. Nevertheless, it’s hard to explain the how, what, when, who, and the why. Perhaps, the benefit of the doubt relates to a conflict between consciousness (eg, ratio) and subconscious (eg, emotion). Probably, doubt is settled once a side has “won”. The benefit of the doubt relates to all three domains: Love, Knowledge,...

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