Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Chinese monism: Power versus Knowledge

Recently, I noticed two interesting articles that seemingly contradict each other: (1) China tells schoolteachers to hand in their passports (FT, 6 Oct 2024), and (2) Scale of Chinese Spying Overwhelms Western Governments (WSJ, 14 Oct 2024). The contradiction is about gathering knowledge. Does China trust its spies more than public information from the Financial...

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Does the aether represent “dark” matter & energy?

While writing my previous blog - Dark matter: complexity or simplicity?? - a thought appeared in my mind: is the aether responsible for reflecting “dark” or invisible matter and energy? My choice of the word reflecting is on purpose. Another angle is this one: how can “several” suns illuminate an entire universe?? Moreover, the aether could (also) explain the tired...

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China’s manufacturers are going broke (Economist)

Introduction LO: The article below is an example of why China is curtailing its distribution of data-info to foreign governments and markets. For example: see the “too sensitive” comment in the 6th paragraph of the Economist article below. The article is also an example of the dangers of an absence of a dualism beween Knowledge and Power. In monism, everything is...

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De nieuws cyclus

Op 14 maart 2024 publiceerde ik mijn blog The bad news cycle. Enkele weken geleden heb ik het oude diagram (links) aangepast naar een nieuw diagram (rechts). Vervolgens vergat ik het. Ik denk dat ik nu wel tevreden ben met het resultaat. Bovendien is het diagram simpeler. Bron: The bad news cycle, 14 maart 2024 De standaard (o.a. nieuws) cyclus gaat van twijfel...

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Inspiration: a search for talent?

For some time, I have been wondering what inspiration actually is. Nearly each day, my inspiration arrives, and/but almost never when I need or want it most. It just comes at its own pace. Last Wednesday's night, the thought that inspiration is a search for talent suddenly arrived. My remarks needs some elaboration: I never receive ideas for books, movies, music,...

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Geen Pers (muskieten)

De conservatief-rechts pers in Amerika klaagt flink over het gebrek aan persvoorlichting (o.a. Fox News), eerst onder Joe Biden (zelfbescherming tegen frequente blunders) en nu onder Kamala Harris (opzettelijk beleid??). Ook in Nederland lijkt de pers opzettelijk te worden gemeden. Ik juich deze ontwikkeling eigenlijk wel toe. De media en pers zijn allesbehalve...

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