Als ervaringsdeskundige (2013-14) ben ik van mening dat je niet kunt genezen van een burn-out. In principe zie je niets aan die mensen tenzij jouw gedrag hen provoceert. Boosheid is dan een van de gevolgen. Helaas heb ik dat zelf ook meegemaakt bij een soort van ramptoerisme tijdens mijn burn-out. De huidige terugval van Pieter Omtzigt zag ik daarom al lang geleden...
There’s no forgiving if there’s no forgetting
For quite some time, I’ve been wondering whether I have forgiven certain people. Expressing such forgiving words comes easy. Usually, future deeds are absent anyway. However, our intentions are hidden deep inside our mind. The well-known expression is simple: forgive and forget. The why is still relatively simple: it’s a solution for both parties (ie, who). The how...
Dutch explanations
Yesterday’s blog on the 2023 Dutch general election did not include any explanation. Today’s blog will. The main explanation is anger of Dutch voters towards PM Mark Rutte. Hence, all four parties that supported Rutte have lost votes: -24% (abs), -47% (rel), and -36 seats. This anger includes many topics, apart from the number of migrants and refugees. For me, it...
Is criticism always personal?
Yes, criticism is always personal, despite what articles claim (eg, Quora). As a Receiver of criticism, we tend to fail to differentiate between Sender, Message, and Receiver (ie, us). There are exceptions because some Senders are skilled in delivering their Message of criticism. Hence, it makes sense that our response follows the 5 stages of processing grief a.k.a....
What to do when there’s no solution or alternative?
I have a dilemma and don't really know what to do besides my acceptance of a certain decision. The how of that decision is the center of my dilemma. I fail to see a solution - or an alternative - for that how. I'm afraid that the how will cause hurt and pain and possibly even regret and/or remorse. Strictly speaking, the model of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926-2004)...
The people we love the most can hurt us the most
A friend says that she envies me for protecting my heart so well. Indeed, it seems that I'm not hurt by the one(s) whom I love the most. Late 2010, I decided to stop my heart from bleeding by building an imaginary sarcophagus around it. Most of the year, it indeed helps me soldiering on. My friend is slowly copying my solution because she fears that the hurting will...
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