Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Cycles and Waves

There’s no forgiving if there’s no forgetting

For quite some time, I’ve been wondering whether I have forgiven certain people. Expressing such forgiving words comes easy. Usually, future deeds are absent anyway. However, our intentions are hidden deep inside our mind. The well-known expression is simple: forgive and forget. The why is still relatively simple: it’s a solution for both parties (ie, who). The how...

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De nieuws cyclus

Op 14 maart 2024 publiceerde ik mijn blog The bad news cycle. Enkele weken geleden heb ik het oude diagram (links) aangepast naar een nieuw diagram (rechts). Vervolgens vergat ik het. Ik denk dat ik nu wel tevreden ben met het resultaat. Bovendien is het diagram simpeler. Bron: The bad news cycle, 14 maart 2024 De standaard (o.a. nieuws) cyclus gaat van twijfel...

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Consciousness vs Light

Until writing this blog, I had assumed there was one main mystery in life: Consciousness. Remarkably, there is another one: Light. It feels to me that both mysteries might be (very much) related. Even sleep might be related. “The exact nature of visible light is a mystery that has puzzled humans for centuries, with many scientists and philosophers striving to answer...

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There’s no positivity without negativity

Recently, a friend made the comment above. She also said those feelings are like Yin and Yang. After a brief reflection, I realised its validity. Before, I had assumed those feelings were like waves, entering and exiting my life. Nevertheless, my cycle and waves concept still fits the Wiki description below: “Yin and yang, also yinyang or yin-yang, is a...

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The bad news cycle

For a long time, I've been wondering why news is always negative. I've stopped viewing conservative and liberal news on TV. Both annoy me with their negative attitudes. I still listen to radio news despite their hidden bias. For some time, I wondered if there's another label than negative / positive. Recently, I had a breakthrough: the bad news cycle is related to...

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From Fear to Love??

My recent diagram (below) did not show an arrow from Fear to Love. In my view, it seems extremely unlikely that someone is able, daring and willing to make that jump. Is that move impossible?? In my view, it requires a long detour. Source: my recent blog Closed versus open My diagram above represents a cycle of the stages of Doubt, Fear, Hope and Love in Life,...

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