Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Control and self-control

Inspiration: a search for talent?

For some time, I have been wondering what inspiration actually is. Nearly each day, my inspiration arrives, and/but almost never when I need or want it most. It just comes at its own pace. Last Wednesday's night, the thought that inspiration is a search for talent suddenly arrived. My remarks needs some elaboration: I never receive ideas for books, movies, music,...

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Irrelevant unknown unknowns

In principle, we do not know what we do not know - a.k.a. unknown unknowns. In my view, nearly all information is unknown to us. Perhaps, this immense segment is even 99.99999999 % - or far more. The other 3 segments are - once again, in my view - extremely small: known knowns (ie, knowledge), known unknowns (ie, beliefs), and unknown knowns (ie, instinct,...

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Expectations vs Hope

There's often a thin line between expectations and hope. Sometimes, you even wonder if there's a difference. I suppose the main difference is time. Hope does not have a timeframe; expectations usually do. Both assume that something will happen. The degree of certainty varies significantly. A recent Aeon article suggests that there is another difference: When hope is...

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Mitigating country risk in supply-chain management

Country risk used to be a somewhat minor risk management issue in banking. Today, it has become a major issue in business' supply-chain management due to China (eg, zero-Covid policy) and Russia (eg, sanctions and nationalizations following invasion of Ukraine). Hence, this recent Bloomberg comment: "Hard evidence is now emerging that all the discussions of strained...

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Who is pulling the strings in China??

Introduction LO: A recent Nikkei Asia article alleged that president Xi has been reprimanded by his elders at Beidaihe over the direction of the Chinese nation; also see my recent blog. The continued sudden vanishings of Xi's trusted underlings makes you wonder who is pulling the strings in China. Why would Xi promote his trusted underlings to official Cabinet...

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“Ga je wel kijken?”

Enkele maanden geleden vroeg ze me dit. Ik twijfelde toen over mijn antwoord. “Waarschijnlijk wel”, antwoordde ik. Meestal wint mijn nieuwsgierigheid. Mijn twijfel ging over het effect op mijn hart. Dat de beelden door mijn ziel zouden snijden had ik niet gedacht noch verwacht. Uit een oogpunt van zelfbescherming zal ik niet meer kijken hoe haar avontuur verloopt....

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