I think I finally understand the feeling of loneliness. In my view, it feels like the Daryl Hall song below: "Every time you go away; You take a piece of me with you" (lyrics). This yearning-like feeling is new to me. I have always liked my feeling of solitude but I'm (far) less sure about this new feeling. As I had always suspected, my inspiration is taking a dive....
Consciousness on a cellular level
17 Oct, 2024
Intro LO: In my view, the impact of this Quanta Magazine article reaches much and much further than its topic, being: even a single bacterial cell senses seasonal change. Hence, my blog title: consciousness on a cellular level. Lately, many more articles are about consciousness in other life-forms than humans (eg, animals, plants and trees). The (alleged)...
Can AI live up to the hype?
7 Oct, 2024
Recently, economist Daron Acemoglu and Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology claimed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can only do 5% of jobs. Bloomberg: “You’re not going to get an economic revolution”. Hence, he fears a “massive crash” in a bubble. I agree. Before his prediction, we had several doomsday predictions by the IMF...
Does the aether represent “dark” matter & energy?
26 Sep, 2024
While writing my previous blog - Dark matter: complexity or simplicity?? - a thought appeared in my mind: is the aether responsible for reflecting “dark” or invisible matter and energy? My choice of the word reflecting is on purpose. Another angle is this one: how can “several” suns illuminate an entire universe?? Moreover, the aether could (also) explain the tired...
The complexity bias (14): layers of complexity
24 Sep, 2024
Yesterday’s blog, Is the Universe alive?, gave me a new idea: layers of complexity rather than a revised definition of life, following the what is life scientific debate (eg, NYT-2024). The drawing below appeared and developed in my mind, following my inspiration, and/but might well change over time. It still feels rather elementary. The bottom of my triangle...
Is the Universe alive?
23 Sep, 2024
A recent Nature article, Black hole jets on the scale of the cosmic web, makes you wonder if the Universe is “alive” (eg, Phys, Volkskrant). Actually, the question of what is life is a debate within science (eg, ASU, NYT-2024, Templeton). The problem with our current definition of life (eg, eating, digestion, pooping) is that viruses are not included. How can a...
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