Intro LO: In my view, the impact of this Quanta Magazine article reaches much and much further than its topic, being: even a single bacterial cell senses seasonal change. Hence, my blog title: consciousness on a cellular level. Lately, many more articles are about consciousness in other life-forms than humans (eg, animals, plants and trees). The (alleged)...
Confident humility
Has morality become a benchmark for others?
Ethics and morality used to be a benchmark for evaluating our own deeds, words and intentions (eg, good-bad, right-wrong). Today, other people insist on evaluating what we say or do. We could call them prudes (Dutch: fatsoensrakker), the righteous (Dutch: moraalridder), or woke (Dutch: deugen). Hence, my blog title: is morality now a benchmark for judging others...
Knowingness, a sibling of Know-it-All
Recently, I learned a new word: knowingness. It featured in a 2023 article in Aeon-Psyche magazine: Our big problem is not misinformation; it’s knowingness. In my view, knowingness is similar to the proverbial phrase: Mr./Mrs. Know-it-All. Also see this 20th century quote: "The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure...
Why do we deny?
Our reasons for denying something, appear to be almost endless. Denial may be a response to negative emotions (eg, guilt & shame, regret & remorse), and/but also to positive emotions (eg, confident humility, love). From a rational point of view, denial seems illogical. So, why do we deny? Denying is part of lying (ie, what). Children start lying at c.3 years...
The Big-small principle
The Big-small principle is my invention of many, many years ago. My principle works as follows: people who inflate their ego (eg, through arrogance) will often look petty and/or shallow in the eyes of others. Similarly, people who express humility to others, may appear impressive to those others. While the big part of my principle relates to arrogance, the small...
Idiocracy (4)
The recent interview with Gad Saad in the Dutch Financial Times made me realize that "our era of stupidity", which seems to be culminating into an idiocracy (my blogs), mostly relates to the Truth (my blogs) rather than any other of the 7 Belief systems (2015 version, 2019 update). Please take a look at my diagram. My diagram above connects several of my blogs:- the...
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