Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Complexity vs simplicity

The complexity bias (13): singularity as the ultimate goal?

In my view, the mind of multicellular organisms is the most complex part of any lifeform. The body is mostly a standardization tool (eg, arms, drinking, eating, head, legs) to protect and support the mind. In my view, the soul is the linking pin between individual and universal consciousness. Might the complexity bias of the mind be heading towards being part of...

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Kun je genezen van een burn-out?

Als ervaringsdeskundige (2013-14) ben ik van mening dat je niet kunt genezen van een burn-out. In principe zie je niets aan die mensen tenzij jouw gedrag hen provoceert. Boosheid is dan een van de gevolgen. Helaas heb ik dat zelf ook meegemaakt bij een soort van ramptoerisme tijdens mijn burn-out. De huidige terugval van Pieter Omtzigt zag ik daarom al lang geleden...

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How Did Life Get Big and Complex? (Quanta)

Introduction LO: This fine Quanta article focuses on the how of evolution. I miss an explanation for why did life get big and complex? In my view, Everything follows Why (eg, how, what, when, where, who). The article briefly mentions the multiple attempts in transferring from successful simple single cell organisms (eg, bacteria) towards complex multicellular...

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Neanderthalers waren allesbehalve primitieve holbewoners

Introductie LO: Ik heb relatief vaak geschreven over de Neanderthal en heb nooit geloofd dat ze primitieve holbewoners waren. De reden is eigenlijk vrij simpel: het overleven van IJstijden vergt intelligentie. Het artikel stelt dat "de Neanderthalers bijna 300.000 jaar in Europa geleefd". Andere artikelen stellen dat die periode mogelijk veel langer was: van circa...

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Unknown known definitions

There are several words in our lives for which we have no precise definition, like consciousness, friendship, life, and love. Still, we know what we mean with those words. Another word for unknown knowns is instinct or intuition. No scientist can explain consciousness. In my view, our individual consciousness might well relate to a universal mind or universal...

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SMART: (4) Relevance

According to Wikipedia and many business articles (eg, Forbes), there are 5 criteria for effective goal-setting: (1) Specific, (2) Measurable, (3) Achievable, (4) Relevance, and (5) Time-based. Goals are omni-present in our lives (eg, home, school, sports, work). How do we - or Artificial Intelligence (AI) - determine that relevance?? My answer would be: I know it...

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