Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Common sense

Rights & duties: vaccination

The Netherlands is considering following a German law: mandatory vaccination in child care facilities against common child diseases (eg, measles, DKTP). In my view, the right of the majority (ie, health) is more important than the (ideological) right of a minority (ie, freedom). Nevertheless, this entire vaccination issue is the result of government stupidity. Any...

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“Are you alright?”

Her question was genuine. Yet I did not know how and what to answer. Finally, I answered that I've been asking that same question to myself for quite a long time. I added that I think that I'm okay. I did not add the words feel and believe - this time. Obviously, I could have ignored her question but I didn't. I could use the lousy autumn weather as an excuse for...

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Woke capitalism, a new oxymoron

Money is most successful when it operates in the background and/or in the shadows. Whenever Money takes the lead within the Power domain of the 7 Belief systems, it will be crushed by either Politics (eg, China) or Religion (eg, Iran). American businesses used to appeal to all Americans. Not anymore. Recently, the Economist published an article that Republicans are...

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The rich get richer, the poor get poorer

Regardless of our differences in political ideology, the above title appears to be true. But why? On 24 March 2021, I already noticed this quote in Axios Markets: "One part of it is if you start with a pool of wealth you have something to accumulate wealth upon. If you start without one [then] you don’t." This quote combines two aspects; input (ie, "starting with a...

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Why do we have labour shortages?

Recently, someone said to me - jokingly - that I am an example why we have labour shortages. Indeed, one could argue that I could work and that I do not work. However, my (post 2013 burnout) situation is already lasting for nearly 10 years. The post-Covid-19 situation is only since 2022. Where did all workers go? Clearly, the 2020-2022 Covid-19 fatalities do not...

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Common sense, ignorance, stupidity and wisdom

For some months, I've been struggling in my mind how to connect four (4) seemingly different concepts: common sense, ignorance, stupidity, and wisdom. Recently, a conversation and discussion with a new friend offered some relief. She is still digesting the results of our conversation. In my view, stupidity is a partial blind spot in our brain (eg, my 2021 blog,...

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