Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Is climate fear actually fear over human extinction?

Recently, I noticed a quote by author Blake Newman (see below). His view made me wonder if fear over climate change is actually fear over human extinction. The name of the "global environmental movement" Extinction Rebellion also suggests that climate fear is fear over human extinction. “Don't worry about saving the earth. The earth will be fine. However, humans...

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Solar maximum: climate change or change in climate?

A recent Scientific American article claims that the "sun is quickly approaching a major peak in solar activity". Wiki: "Solar maximum is the regular period of greatest solar activity during the Sun's 11-year solar cycle." Actually, this is the only article that I had noticed about this phenomenon. Source: my 2018 blogs Left is my 2018 diagram representing the known...

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Project Fear (4): denial of climate cycles

The ignorant conservative right usually denies the existence of climate change. The arrogant liberal left pretends the absence of (geological) cycles of climate change. The Earth has always faced climate change, ever since its formation 4.5 billion years ago. The main geological cycles are glacial and interglacial periods of some 40-100 thousand years...

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Project Fear

In the UK, Leavers accuse Remainers of using Project Fear against Brexit. It's a smart and thus far successful move because fear-based arguments tend to be negative, while Leavers present a positive message of hope. One of these messages must be false however. The global climate activists also use Project Fear against anyone disputing their message...

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I was about to write that the use of cloudbusters might be an early example of geo-engineering. Then I noticed the history of geotechnical engineering up until 1700 by Jean Kérisel. He considers the use of tools as the earliest human example of what would ultimately be called geo-engineering: "the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the...

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Sleutelen aan oceanen: de oplossing voor het klimaat? (Trouw)

Trouw titel: Sleutelen aan oceanen: de oplossing voor het klimaat? Trouw ondertitel: Oceanen zijn dé hoofdrolspeler in ons klimaat, zegt de marien geoloog Gert Jan Reichart. Vroeg of laat zullen ingenieurs dan ook dáár ook de oplossing gaan zoeken van het klimaatprobleem. Publicatiedatum: 5 juni 2019 "Het thema van de jaarlijkse VN-Wereldoceanendag, aanstaande...

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