Op 14 maart 2024 publiceerde ik mijn blog The bad news cycle. Enkele weken geleden heb ik het oude diagram (links) aangepast naar een nieuw diagram (rechts). Vervolgens vergat ik het. Ik denk dat ik nu wel tevreden ben met het resultaat. Bovendien is het diagram simpeler. Bron: The bad news cycle, 14 maart 2024 De standaard (o.a. nieuws) cyclus gaat van twijfel...
The bad news cycle
For a long time, I've been wondering why news is always negative. I've stopped viewing conservative and liberal news on TV. Both annoy me with their negative attitudes. I still listen to radio news despite their hidden bias. For some time, I wondered if there's another label than negative / positive. Recently, I had a breakthrough: the bad news cycle is related to...
Why regulating AI will be difficult — or even impossible (WE)
Intro LO: An interesting and recommended read by an American conservative source. Washington Examiner title: Why regulating AI will be difficult — or even impossible By: Christopher Hutton Date: 20 February 2024 "Efforts to combat artificial intelligence‘s threat to democracy and humanity through regulations and guardrails face a number of legal complications,...
LGBT is <4% of population
According to research, some 3.5% of the American people quality as lesbian, gay or bisexual, and an additional 0.2% as transgender (Williams Institute-2011). In total less than 4%. Nevertheless, many news items are about the sexual identity of this small minority. Why?? It's safe to say that sex sells, a phrase that was once used for sex in advertising and later for...
Extreme views are more attractive than moderate ones?!
A recent article in Scientific American claims that: "New research shows that people are drawn to others with more extreme versions of their own political views". I wonder if that is true. If only because I do not relate to it, whatsoever. I dislike extreme political views, from any side. I believe in cooperation rather than competition, which may explain my...
Inequality and polarization
Recently, Belgian newspaper De Standaard published an article stating that a feeling of impoverishment pushes voters towards extremist sides. Hence, more inequality is responsible for more polarization in our societies. Also see my April 12 blog: Politics, a belief in (in)equality. For some time, I have noticed an increasing radicalization in the beliefs of...
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