My blog title is an English translation of a French saying (ie, “Toute nation a le gouvernement qu'elle mérite”) by French philosopher Joseph de Maistre (1753–1821). That French saying is getting relevance considering the (very) remarkable choices for the forthcoming 2025 U.S. Administration. I suppose such choices reveal their priorities. If not, those choices seem...
How to stop Europe’s decline (WaPo) ??
30 Sep, 2024
Recently, the Washington Post (WaPo) published this article: How to stop Europe’s decline, an opinion by its Editorial Board. Its subtitle was: "Fixing the European Union’s flagging economy will require it to reconsider key elements of its architecture." The WaPo may well be right about Europe's flagging economy but why do they fail to see the American decline...
Forever labor shortage
11 Jul, 2024
It has been quite a while that I used external articles for my blogs. This Axios Macro article deserves my exception. I believe in the validity of its contents. Actually, I’m glad that its full impact will (probably) be after my demise. I’m one of the reasons why there already is a labor shortage. My 2013 decision was involuntary due a severe burn-out and subsequent...
Will Tory incompetence transfer to Labour?
9 Jul, 2024
The incompetence of UK Conservatives (a.k.a. Tories) has been severely penalised after their chaotic reign of 14 years (2010-2024). However, incompetence seems to be a British rather than a Tory attitude. Hence, the question in my blog title. Also see my related blogs on (legendary) British incompetence: 2018: Why the UK excels at mismanaging expectations (FT);...
Tijd voor verandering
5 Apr, 2024
Vanaf volgde week stop ik met schrijven. In ieder geval tijdelijk. Ik voel dat het tijd is voor verandering. Mijn inspiratie is al langer niet wat ie was. De richting van die verandering betreft (vermoedelijk) mijn omgeving en niet mezelf. Mogelijk heeft mijn status quo te lang geduurd. Mijn balans en/of evenwicht beginnen soms op een vacuüm te lijken. De...
There’s no positivity without negativity
28 Mar, 2024
Recently, a friend made the comment above. She also said those feelings are like Yin and Yang. After a brief reflection, I realised its validity. Before, I had assumed those feelings were like waves, entering and exiting my life. Nevertheless, my cycle and waves concept still fits the Wiki description below: “Yin and yang, also yinyang or yin-yang, is a...
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