Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Gender ideology

Early March 2024, Pope Francis stated that “gender ideology is the ugliest danger of our time” (eg, Vatican News). I’ve never viewed gender ideology as a danger or a threat. It merely confuses me as I fail to understand it. In my view, gender ideology is a topic for the loud minority and irrelevant for the silent majority. Apparently, Pope Francis has a different...

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An elderly man with a poor memory OR a criminal??

Recently, the option "None of the above" won the primary election in Nevada. The (conservative) Washington Times was clear: "Trump vs. Biden? America should vote ‘none of the above’. The 2024 US presidential election is a choice between an "elderly man with a poor memory" and a criminal. Most likely, the US Supreme Court will allow Trump to be elected in 2024. Most...

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The retail apocalypse never happened (Axios)

Intro LO: I'm surprised by this American news as reality in the Netherlands is only showing more retail bankruptcies and more real estate vacancies. Considering the never-ending gun violence in or nearby American shopping malls, I’m a little skeptic about this Axios article. Perhaps, the retail apocalypse predictions ignored business shifts. The article below...

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From Fear to Love??

My recent diagram (below) did not show an arrow from Fear to Love. In my view, it seems extremely unlikely that someone is able, daring and willing to make that jump. Is that move impossible?? In my view, it requires a long detour. Source: my recent blog Closed versus open My diagram above represents a cycle of the stages of Doubt, Fear, Hope and Love in Life,...

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In several of its articles, British newspaper The Telegraph claims that centrism is dead (eg, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023). That view makes sense because most Anglo-Saxon countries have bipartisan political systems (eg, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, USA). The (extreme) political turbulence in most of those bipartisan Anglo-Saxon countries makes you wonder if...

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When the Past is unknown, the Present and Future become relevant

My title above just entered my mind. That title might also be the reason why the human species is not really interested in its distant past. Our history seems restricted to its last 7,000 years. Anything that happened before the great flood (c.20,000-c.7,000 years ago) appears to have been lost “forever”. Perhaps, our ignorance towards our distant past has a...

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