Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


There’s no forgiving if there’s no forgetting

For quite some time, I’ve been wondering whether I have forgiven certain people. Expressing such forgiving words comes easy. Usually, future deeds are absent anyway. However, our intentions are hidden deep inside our mind. The well-known expression is simple: forgive and forget. The why is still relatively simple: it’s a solution for both parties (ie, who). The how...

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From a Baby Boom to a Baby Bust generation

America, China and Russia face (ever-) decreasing birth rates and to such an extent that various politicians have already claimed a demographic crisis. However, the reasons are very, very different. WSJ, 25 April 2024: “Fewer babies were born in the U.S. in 2023 than any year since 1979. American women are giving birth at record-low rates. The total fertility rate...

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Ik ben geen fan van Victor Orban maar bewonder en respecteer wel zijn kunstjes. De “vredesmissie” van Orban komt veel te vroeg. Zowel Oekraïne als Rusland zijn nog (lang) niet toe aan vrede. Om Oekraïne te dwingen tot vrede, is waanzin. Rusland is trouwens de aanstichter van deze oorlog. Toch zal iemand uiteindelijk moeten bemiddelen tussen Oekraïne en Rusland....

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Exit strategy (2)

I suppose that every commitment has an exit strategy. In Love, it’s called a breakup. In Knowledge, it’s about cancellations of contracts (eg, business, divorce, subscriptions). In Power, it’s about the exit of a member (eg, Brexit, Congress, NATO). Also see part 1 of this blog (2021). The idea for part 2 is the increasing sentiment for ending the (financial and...

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Cutting ties

I’ve been trying to cut my ties with someone. Unsuccessfully though. A friend keeps asking me why I’m failing. I have no explanation and/but I seem to undermine my own efforts. I did cut my ties with others. To be fair, they cut their ties with me first. It took me quite some time to reciprocate their deeds. Apparently, cutting ties is more than just a two-way...

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Is romantic love instinctive or learned?

To me, the above question is ridiculous. For author and philosopher Alain de Botton (b.1969) it's not. He claims that "romantic love being a modern-day invention and that people would not fall in love if they had not heard of it" (eg, the Hindu-2023, MB-2020, YouTube-2016). In my concept of the 7 Belief systems, Love is a belief. Recently, I argued that romantic...

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