Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Brain vs Universe


Early 2016, I wrote my blog: Unknown unknowns – dreams. I suppose dreams are often about doubt, fear, hope & love. Sometimes, my dreams feel like science-fiction. According to ancient Sumerian (religious) beliefs, the human soul can travel during sleep and in the afterlife. In my view, the soul is the linking pin between individual and universal consciousness....

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Force versus Matter

When you look at the Universe then you will notice (at least) two things: (centrifugal) force (eg, orbits) and matter (eg, moons, planets, suns). Where does that (centrifugal) force come from?? In case of humans, the answer would - probably - be Life. I suppose author Duane Elgin (b.1943) has a similar view and answer and/or solution, given this quote from his...

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Theory of Everything (4)

Two weeks ago, a complex diagram was emerging in my mind about consciousness, dimensions (eg, spacetime), and (un)known (un)knowns. I decided working on some of its elements first. Please see last week's blogs. Last Wednesday, I finally had a breakthrough. The result is stated below. One of my main questions above, is the seeming impossibility of a multiverse in...

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Unknown known definitions

There are several words in our lives for which we have no precise definition, like consciousness, friendship, life, and love. Still, we know what we mean with those words. Another word for unknown knowns is instinct or intuition. No scientist can explain consciousness. In my view, our individual consciousness might well relate to a universal mind or universal...

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If Time is relative, is Space too??

Time is a human - and Sumerian - invention. Hence, the use of their Base-60 system (eg, 60 minutes, 60 seconds). The relativity of Time (eg, Albert Einstein, James Clerk Maxwell, Quanta) makes you wonder about the relativity of Space. Humans are unaware of the dimensions of our universe (eg, ball, cubicle, saddle, sphere). It’s important to realise that my examples...

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Does the Universe has a universal time?

Time is a human concept. It was invented by the Sumerian civilisation (c.5000 BC - c.1500 BC), or an unknown older civilisation. Time is also a mathematical concept, representing galactic orbits and distances. The Sumerian Base-60 system explains our use of 60 minutes and 60 seconds. Hence, each galaxy is likely to have its own - and mathematically matching -...

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