Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Boredom vs Curiosity

Birds of a feather flock together

Recently, Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant published an article that caught my curiosity and my interest: How do I step outside my bubble more often? My question is/was simple: do I need, want, or believe in this?? Hence, I asked my girlfriend. She was also skeptical. Perhaps given our differences. The ancient Dutch saying is "soort zoekt soort", which translates like...

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De nieuws cyclus

Op 14 maart 2024 publiceerde ik mijn blog The bad news cycle. Enkele weken geleden heb ik het oude diagram (links) aangepast naar een nieuw diagram (rechts). Vervolgens vergat ik het. Ik denk dat ik nu wel tevreden ben met het resultaat. Bovendien is het diagram simpeler. Bron: The bad news cycle, 14 maart 2024 De standaard (o.a. nieuws) cyclus gaat van twijfel...

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The psychology of secrets

Introduction LO: I noticed this 2024 British Psychological Society (BPS) article because I was curious about secrets, including the how, what, when, where, who and why of secrets. Actually, the introductory BPS statement feels weird: “In fact, you probably have about 13, five of which you've never told anybody else.” In my view, I have no secrets. Perhaps, my...

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Today is the first day of the rest of your life

My thought above also appears to be a quote by Charles Dederich. Initially, I assumed it applied to someone whom I had just met online. She preached love and understanding to me, but failed to apply those standards to herself. Earlier that same day, I had already met someone else. Recently, she and I met in real life (IRL). Now, I assume that my brain wave (and the...

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Mission accomplished

Last Saturday, a blog title entered my mind: mission accomplished. That feeling resulted from my 3-week trip to Italy, which ended last Friday. Actually, several blog titles have passed my mind during my trip but those only made it to my list of potential topics. This one feels different. On 1 May 2003, the (then) US President made a televised speech on an aircraft...

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Tijd voor verandering

Vanaf volgde week stop ik met schrijven. In ieder geval tijdelijk. Ik voel dat het tijd is voor verandering. Mijn inspiratie is al langer niet wat ie was. De richting van die verandering betreft (vermoedelijk) mijn omgeving en niet mezelf. Mogelijk heeft mijn status quo te lang geduurd. Mijn balans en/of evenwicht beginnen soms op een vacuüm te lijken. De...

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