Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Unknown known definitions

There are several words in our lives for which we have no precise definition, like consciousness, friendship, life, and love. Still, we know what we mean with those words. Another word for unknown knowns is instinct or intuition. No scientist can explain consciousness. In my view, our individual consciousness might well relate to a universal mind or universal...

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If there’s only 1 God then why has God so many names?

In various blogs, I mentioned the various names of a Supreme Being, like Ahura Mazda, Allah, God, Jupiter, Odin, Shiva, Yahweh and Zeus. Recently, I wondered: if there’s just 1 God then why has God so many names?? The ultimate answer may well be in Mahatma Gandhi's message below. Scientists have never found any culture without evidence of...

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Nature and God are two sides of the same coin (Spinoza)

The phrase above is from Baruch Spinoza's book Ethics (1677). In the Latin language, it was: "Deus sive Natura". Wiki: "For Spinoza the whole of the natural universe is made of one substance, God, or, what's the same, Nature, and its modifications (modes)." I suppose, this comes close to my views. Big Think, The Well, newsletter 25 April 2023 The...

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The “third road” aka trialism

There are some fierce debates in our lives: either you make a choice for this (eg, Android, electric cars), or for that (eg, Apple iOS, fossil fuel cars) given our priorities. People suggest that there is no third road (eg, full hybrid cars). This is an example of dualism. Why is a third road less popular? The words third road often relate to Politics. Examples:...

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The micro to macro arrow: is growth irreversible?

Last week, a friend used an unfamiliar analogy. Once you're swimming in the deep pool (c.2.60m) then the children's pool (c.25cm) is no longer relevant. The inbetween pool (c.1.50m) is just nice to cool off. There appears to be a micro to macro arrow, next to the Arrow of Time (eg, Wiki). Why is the above relevant? I've been struggling with a question: how do you...

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Theory of Everything (3)

Last Thursday, I made the drawing below. Before, I did "see" the various dots but I wasn't able to connect these dots inside my mind. The house analogy suddenly dawned upon me, last Thursday. I'm pleased to present the result. In my view, it might well be my best accomplishment so far. My concept of the 7 Belief systems (eg, 2015 original and 2019 update) is a part...

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