Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Big Tech

Geloof in AI als wondermiddel vervliegt (FD)

Introductie LO: Onderstaand FD artikel van 17 september 2024 geeft een aardig inzicht in de 4 SWOT categorieën uit mijn schema van 12 juni 2023. Bron: mijn blog Artificial Intelligence, a SWOT analysis, 12 juni 2023 Alternatief, in de recente woorden van Murat Durmus op LinkedIn: de papegaai die denkt dat hij Picasso is………. Geloof in AI als wondermiddel vervliegt...

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In whose interest is a Google break-up??

Early August 2024, a federal judge ruled that Google has used its position to "violate fair competition laws" (eg, Wired-2024) and thus acted as "an illegal monopolist" (eg, The Verge-2024, Wired-2024). Consequently, a "Google breakup is on the table, say DOJ lawyers" (eg, FT-2024, The Verge-2024). My question is simple: in whose interest is a Google break-up??...

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Wealth is a poor metric for wisdom

My blog title is borrowed from a recent PS article that caught my interest. Wealth has always been a metric for Power. It’s very hard to imagine that Big Tech billionaires could - let alone would - be considered a metric for wisdom. Nevertheless, the quote below suggests differently. “In an America where wealth has increasingly become the primary source of social...

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Can AI live up to the hype?

Recently, economist Daron Acemoglu and Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology claimed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can only do 5% of jobs. Bloomberg: “You’re not going to get an economic revolution”. Hence, he fears a “massive crash” in a bubble. I agree. Before his prediction, we had several doomsday predictions by the IMF...

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Consciousness vs Body, Mind & Soul

In yesterday's blog, Dreams, I wrote the following: "In my view, the soul is the linking pin between individual and universal consciousness." That sentence bugged me for some reason, and has resulted in this new blog and new diagram. I suppose that the above classification is new to me. After some reflection, it (still) feels valid. This classification also allows...

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Amerika vs Europa

Onlangs publiceerde de Volkskrant dit artikel: “Amerika ligt qua welvaart mijlenver voor op Europa: gaat de inhaalslag er ooit komen?“ Zelden zal ik het ergens minder mee eens zijn geweest. In absolute economische termen heeft de schrijver echter ongetwijfeld gelijk. In relatieve zin heeft de gemiddelde Europeaan het (veel) beter qua welvaart en welzijn. Waar komt...

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