Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Belief systems

Collectieve intelligentie als verschil?

Eind 2024 publiceerde theoretisch natuurkundige Avi Loeb een interessant artikel dat mij al jarenlang bezighoudt: Is de mensheid het hoogtepunt? Een kosmisch perspectief op intelligentie en overleven. De voortgang in mijn denken wordt gevisualiseerd door onderstaande diagrammen uit 2018 en 2022: Bron: mijn 2018 blog Bron: mijn 2022 blog De collectieve ontwikkeling...

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Oligarchen en tech-industrieel complex

Op 15 januari 2025 waarschuwde de vertrekkende Amerikaanse president zijn landgenoten voor de "machtsconcentratie bij ultrarijken" (VRT), en "een tech-industrieel complex" (Trouw). Zijn woorden houden mij al langere tijd bezig: is deze verwachting een dystopische perceptie, of een realiteit?? "Ik wil het land waarschuwen voor enkele zaken die mij grote zorgen...

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The need for a subplot

Last Wednesday, I viewed Se1Ep1 of Matlock (2024), featuring Kathy Bates. Initially, I failed to understand its high IMDb rating. Afterwards, I gave it an 8. The difference was its last scene, which revealed a very intriguing subplot. I suppose the excellent subplot of The Mentalist (2008-2015) explains the above. Nearly all of its episodes are independent crime...

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Dinosaurs grew stupid over time; humans as well??

Intro LO: A 1 December 2024 SCMP article (see below) caught my immediate interest as I’ve had a similar idea mid 2022 that was based on an earlier idea in my 2018 blog: 2022: Is stupidity the flip side of beliefs? 2018: Knowledge = Power and the Great Filter in civilisations (5) I prefer my 2022 diagram in this specific stupidity context. Source: my 2022 blog...

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Let it flow and don’t interfere ….

A salmon swims upwards against the river stream and usually dies shortly after its arrival. It’s often tempting to fight certain forces that are stronger. Not interfering might be viewed as a sign of weakness. Fighting change is, however, often (too) exhausting. The Serenity Prayer (1930s) also applies: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot...

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Light as a connecting force

Yesterday's blog finally mentioned something that has been on my mind, ever since watching some episodes of the TV-series Evil, rated at #7.8 in IMDb. In episode 1, the concept of connectors appears: "There are people in this world who are... connectors. They influence people. They have day jobs. Uh, teachers, stockbrokers, uh... expert witnesses. They pretend to be...

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