Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Belief systems

Let it flow and don’t interfere ….

A salmon swims upwards against the river stream and usually dies shortly after its arrival. It’s often tempting to fight certain forces that are stronger. Not interfering might be viewed as a sign of weakness. Fighting change is, however, often (too) exhausting. The Serenity Prayer (1930s) also applies: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot...

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Light as a connecting force

Yesterday's blog finally mentioned something that has been on my mind, ever since watching some episodes of the TV-series Evil, rated at #7.8 in IMDb. In episode 1, the concept of connectors appears: "There are people in this world who are... connectors. They influence people. They have day jobs. Uh, teachers, stockbrokers, uh... expert witnesses. They pretend to be...

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SMART: (4) Relevance

According to Wikipedia and many business articles (eg, Forbes), there are 5 criteria for effective goal-setting: (1) Specific, (2) Measurable, (3) Achievable, (4) Relevance, and (5) Time-based. Goals are omni-present in our lives (eg, home, school, sports, work). How do we - or Artificial Intelligence (AI) - determine that relevance?? My answer would be: I know it...

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Why a negative mindset?

Yesterday’s blog wondered about the why of a negative mindset. My preliminary thoughts suppose that our beliefs should be the explanation. In my view, human beliefs separate us from all other lifeforms. All lifeforms have needs (eg, food, water). Several lifeforms (ie, animals, humans) have wants (eg, birds cracking nuts). Some animals (eg, elephants, orcas) show...

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Is democracy the worst form of government, except for all others?

China and Russia often criticise and/or ridicule Western democracy (eg, recent Bloomberg article following Trump’s felony conviction). The surge in Western nationalism is somewhat related to that criticism. In my view, it’s (indeed) rather easy to criticise democracy but how about its alternatives?? On 11 November 1947, Winston Churchill (1874-1965) made the...

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Is radicaliseren een gevolg van onmacht?

Voorheen dacht ik dat de snelheid van verandering van invloed was op extreme geloofsovertuigingen. Inmiddels neig ik naar een gevoel dat achter die snelheid van verandering ligt: onmacht. Snelheid wordt pas een probleem wanneer onze verwerking van die veranderingen stopt. Veranderingen zijn de norm in onze samenleving; niet de uitzondering. Het in verzet gaan tegen...

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