Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Basic income

Hoezo woningnood?

Voorwoord LO Deze recente opinie uit de Volkskrant getuigt van veel pragmatisme en weinig ideologie. Mijn complimenten aan schrijver Ton van Rietbergen. In 2022 publiceerde diezelfde Volkskrant nog een zwaar ideologisch artikel op een soortgelijk onderwerp: Kent Nederland een huizentekort of een singlesoverschot? Zie ook mijn kritische reactie op dat artikel in mijn...

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A Universal Basic Income may arise from COVID-19’s ashes

Several governments are struggling passing on monetary support to their citizens during this coronavirus pandemic (eg, CFR, Qz, WEF). Spain will soon implement a Universal Basic Income or UBI (eg, Independent). If there’s any moment then it’s clearly now. Else, global citizens may starve to death due to imposed lockdowns rather than die from COVID-19....

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What prevents societies from achieving an Awakening?

My recent blog on why beliefs are stronger than anything else, was certainly a breakthrough. Nevertheless, something was nagging me: Why is the fourth stage of Awakening so difficult to achieve? Remarkably, two interesting articles which I had saved for future use, were helpful in understanding: (1) The cult of creativity is making us less creative -...

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Tech companies should stop pretending AI won’t destroy jobs (MIT)

Subtitle: No matter what anyone tells you, we’re not ready for the massive societal upheavals on the way. "I took an Uber to an artificial-­intelligence conference at MIT one recent morning, and the driver asked me how long it would take for autonomous vehicles to take away his job. I told him it would happen in about 15 to 20 years. He breathed a sigh of relief....

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Universal Basic Income and the Taxman

Universal Basic Income and the Taxman

The left-wing idea of a Universal Basic Income is a perfect way for making the government more efficient and effective, a right-wing idea. A UBI should never be "free cash" but a taxable negative income tax, else the concern of economist and 2001 Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz would come true: UBI "risks diverting cash to the better off" (Times). Most...

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Libertarianism: a philosophical belief in Freedom

I'm still puzzling on disintegrating societies and the surge in both nationalism and personal liberalism. In my recent Alt-Left vs Alt-Right blog, I mentioned 2 basic concepts: duties and rights. In most societies, duties and rights are intertwined. In Western societies there is a decoupling between duties and rights, similar to a decoupling between economics...

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