Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Bacteria and Viruses

How Did Life Get Big and Complex? (Quanta)

Introduction LO: This fine Quanta article focuses on the how of evolution. I miss an explanation for why did life get big and complex? In my view, Everything follows Why (eg, how, what, when, where, who). The article briefly mentions the multiple attempts in transferring from successful simple single cell organisms (eg, bacteria) towards complex multicellular...

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Unknown known definitions

There are several words in our lives for which we have no precise definition, like consciousness, friendship, life, and love. Still, we know what we mean with those words. Another word for unknown knowns is instinct or intuition. No scientist can explain consciousness. In my view, our individual consciousness might well relate to a universal mind or universal...

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Tunnel vision

Recently, I viewed some (police) detective TV show and suddenly wondered if we all suffer from a tunnel vision in our lives: “a tendency to think only about one thing and to ignore everything else”. The aforementioned Brittanica description suggests that we do indeed. Early 2021, I prepared my diagram below. Let’s suppose that we are inside the orange box, called...

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A warning label for social media platforms?!

On 17 June 2024, the "U.S. surgeon general called for a warning label on social media platforms that says they may damage teens’ mental health" (NYT). It seems to become a bipartisan issue: "Social media needs more than a warning label" (WE). In my view, adults are even at more risk than teens. Obviously, a warning label might be like a "forbidden fruit" and will...

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Rights & duties: vaccination

The Netherlands is considering following a German law: mandatory vaccination in child care facilities against common child diseases (eg, measles, DKTP). In my view, the right of the majority (ie, health) is more important than the (ideological) right of a minority (ie, freedom). Nevertheless, this entire vaccination issue is the result of government stupidity. Any...

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Mitigating country risk in supply-chain management

Country risk used to be a somewhat minor risk management issue in banking. Today, it has become a major issue in business' supply-chain management due to China (eg, zero-Covid policy) and Russia (eg, sanctions and nationalizations following invasion of Ukraine). Hence, this recent Bloomberg comment: "Hard evidence is now emerging that all the discussions of strained...

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