Late May 2024, I published my Dutch language blog: Is radicalisation a consequence of feeling powerless? Today’s blog is an open rather than a closed question. The trigger for this blog was a discussion with a friend, who lives abroad for at least a decade. I suppose that “detail” is relevant. I have made a diagram that is - ultimately - based on the diagram as used...
Presumed guilty
30 Jul, 2024
In some European countries (eg, Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland), car speeding fines are much higher for rich people (eg, EUR, NBC). The reason is quite simple: rich people need to feel the legal punishment, like poor people always do. What if societies would extend the of the presumption of innocence principle towards an assumption of guilt??...
Apple cancels its autonomous electric car project
6 Mar, 2024
Intro LO: Apple’s decision (to cancel its autonomous electric car project) may well be far more important than it looks like. Probably, it will also imply that Tesla will never be able to deliver on its many (similar) promises. Once that thought sinks in, Tesla’s share price will sink further. Autonomous driving has five (or six) levels (source): Level 0: no Driving...
Does a Superpower need pragmatism?
5 Feb, 2024
Before Covid-19, many articles assumed that the Chinese economy would soon surpass the American economy. Even before Covid-19, I never believed that. Nowadays, many articles assume that China may never become an economic Superpower. As long as the CCCP rules, that new belief is valid. Hence, my blog title: does a Superpower need pragmatism? In my view, ideology will...
Does the Universe has a universal time?
4 Dec, 2023
Time is a human concept. It was invented by the Sumerian civilisation (c.5000 BC - c.1500 BC), or an unknown older civilisation. Time is also a mathematical concept, representing galactic orbits and distances. The Sumerian Base-60 system explains our use of 60 minutes and 60 seconds. Hence, each galaxy is likely to have its own - and mathematically matching -...
10 Nov, 2023
Sinds enige tijd wil een deel van mij contact zoeken met iemand om zaken uit te praten. Telkens kan ik mezelf weerhouden. Ik twijfel over de toegevoegde waarde van dat gesprek. Waarschijnlijk gaan we elkaar (nare) verwijten maken. Die verwijten zijn van (uiterst) persoonlijke aard, en allesbehalve van zakelijke aard. De kans dat die verwijten onze breuk verergeren...
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