Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Arrogance vs ignorance

Are young generations anti-democratic??

An American expert at The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies claims that voting by "anti-democratic young generations" is a reason for Trump's 2024 victory. See his recent comment on Dutch BNR Newsradio. In my view, "anti-democratic young voters" is a rather silly and even a contradicting concept. As a child (1960), my parents once explained that it was common that...

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Did ignorance beat arrogance?

"Ignorance is bliss", according to an 18th-century poem by Thomas Gray. Listening to ignorance can be quite funny, unlike arrogance. Hence, I wonder if the ignorance of the conservative-right has beaten the arrogance of the liberal-left on November 5. To some extent, the same is happening in Europe. The arrogance of the liberal-left manifests itself in topics like...

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Wealth is a poor metric for wisdom

My blog title is borrowed from a recent PS article that caught my interest. Wealth has always been a metric for Power. It’s very hard to imagine that Big Tech billionaires could - let alone would - be considered a metric for wisdom. Nevertheless, the quote below suggests differently. “In an America where wealth has increasingly become the primary source of social...

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Why is China creating so many enemies?

Increasingly, it looks like every nation is an economic, geopolitical, and/or military enemy of China, once their national interests collide with Chinese interests. Remarkably, China is now also creating domestic adversaries. I cannot imagine that China needs and/or wants such adversaries or enemies. Hence, the explanation must be about (extreme) beliefs. Such...

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Politics versus Money

Recently, the Dutch FT published an article with an intriguing title: The Republicans say goodbye to Big Money (HFD, translation by LO). The FT published a similar title that day: Donald Trump pledges tax cuts, trade wars and border crackdown. Actually, this development is visible in China, Europe, and USA. It might be the greatest danger for nationalism. In my...

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Will Tory incompetence transfer to Labour?

The incompetence of UK Conservatives (a.k.a. Tories) has been severely penalised after their chaotic reign of 14 years (2010-2024). However, incompetence seems to be a British rather than a Tory attitude. Hence, the question in my blog title. Also see my related blogs on (legendary) British incompetence: 2018: Why the UK excels at mismanaging expectations (FT);...

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