Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Arrogance vs ignorance

Afkeer van Links??

Op 30 december 2023 publiceerde de Volkskrant een artikel dat eindelijk weer eens inspiratie bij mij bracht: Zuur, hypocriet, drammerig: waar komt die afkeer van links vandaan? Ik herken dat gevoel zeker bij anderen, maar niet bij mijzelf. Ik vind Links slechts irritant door hun voortdurende arrogantie. Voor mij is Links een manier om mijn eigen wereldbeeld in...

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Monolingualism and bipartisan politics

My Eureka moment, as mentioned in my Centrism blog, may have arrived. The common ingredient of Anglo-Saxon countries is their English language (eg, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, USA) . Suddenly, I remembered the articles on monolingualism and intelligence. Some examples on the connection between monolingualism and intelligence: 2009 cognition study: On the...

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Spain has a new socialist government after its leader (and Prime Minister) made an amnesty deal with convicted separatists, hiding outside Spain. This new Spanish government will be a minority government. Spanish courts may, however, still block this political amnesty deal. Donald Trump has similar intentions: he hopes to win the 2024 U.S. presidential election and...

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Is romantic love instinctive or learned?

To me, the above question is ridiculous. For author and philosopher Alain de Botton (b.1969) it's not. He claims that "romantic love being a modern-day invention and that people would not fall in love if they had not heard of it" (eg, the Hindu-2023, MB-2020, YouTube-2016). In my concept of the 7 Belief systems, Love is a belief. Recently, I argued that romantic...

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Intelligence is (not) a curse

A recent discussion with a friend made me think of a saying: intelligence is a curse (eg, see quote below). There is indeed some truth in that saying. In his famous poem of 1742, Thomas Gray suggested something similar: "[..] ignorance is bliss [..]". Is our intelligence really to blame?? My friend is an intelligent woman. She is determined that things must go as...

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