Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


It’s better to be alone than being lonely in a relationship

A relationship used to be a goal in my life. Like many other people, I prefer to be alone nowadays. I’m not sure when I’ve changed my mind. I suppose dating failures explain the how and the why. Dating appears to be a game or a leisure activity rather than anything serious. Perhaps, I’ve given up although I doubt that. I’ve just accepted reality. If anyone serious...

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Gender ideology

Early March 2024, Pope Francis stated that “gender ideology is the ugliest danger of our time” (eg, Vatican News). I’ve never viewed gender ideology as a danger or a threat. It merely confuses me as I fail to understand it. In my view, gender ideology is a topic for the loud minority and irrelevant for the silent majority. Apparently, Pope Francis has a different...

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When is our life completed?

Since several weeks, a Dutch organisation is using radio commercials to gain (financial) support for changing our laws on completed lives. The issue of completed lives is one of our last taboos. It's weird that we are allowed to kill our pets, while we are not allowed to show mercy to humans. During my 2013 burnout, I did consider ending my own life. I did not have...

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Is romantic love instinctive or learned?

To me, the above question is ridiculous. For author and philosopher Alain de Botton (b.1969) it's not. He claims that "romantic love being a modern-day invention and that people would not fall in love if they had not heard of it" (eg, the Hindu-2023, MB-2020, YouTube-2016). In my concept of the 7 Belief systems, Love is a belief. Recently, I argued that romantic...

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Why do animals, humans and plants dislike rain?

Recently, I read that all birds look for cover during heavy rain, except for wood-pigeons (eg, 2014 blog, Quora, source). As a result, these pigeons may die from hypothermia. It's not only birds but also humans and plants. Hence, this Naked Scientists question: Why do animals (and humans) dislike getting wet? I once read that plants panic as they fear the impact of...

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Feeling deserted

Recently, Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant featured this column: More and more people are feeling deserted in a certain way. And actually we are indeed. I suppose columnist Danka Stuijver is right. One can feel deserted by many, like family, friends, colleagues, the government or society. Feeling deserted equals feeling a lack of love (max.) or attention (minimum) from...

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