Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Absolute vs Relative

Amerika vs Europa

Onlangs publiceerde de Volkskrant dit artikel: “Amerika ligt qua welvaart mijlenver voor op Europa: gaat de inhaalslag er ooit komen?“ Zelden zal ik het ergens minder mee eens zijn geweest. In absolute economische termen heeft de schrijver echter ongetwijfeld gelijk. In relatieve zin heeft de gemiddelde Europeaan het (veel) beter qua welvaart en welzijn. Waar komt...

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Grensoverschrijdend gedrag

Grenzen zijn vaak absoluut: geografische grenzen (o.a. land, provincie, gemeente), tijdsgrenzen (o.a. ochtend vs middag, gisteren vs vandaag), en ook water vs ijs. Grensoverschrijdend is dan volledig duidelijk. Het verschil tussen licht en donker is veel minder duidelijk. Vandaar het gezegde: vele tinten grijs. Sinds enkele dagen wordt een "Beroemde Vlaamse...

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If Time is relative, is Space too??

Time is a human - and Sumerian - invention. Hence, the use of their Base-60 system (eg, 60 minutes, 60 seconds). The relativity of Time (eg, Albert Einstein, James Clerk Maxwell, Quanta) makes you wonder about the relativity of Space. Humans are unaware of the dimensions of our universe (eg, ball, cubicle, saddle, sphere). It’s important to realise that my examples...

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Ideology vs reality

There's a Dutch saying that translates like the shore will stop the ship (ie, #16). There's no English equivalent. To some extent, it means that you can only push someone or things so far before they break (eg, source). I was reminded of this saying after reading that the GOP in Alabama ignores court rulings. My blog title has an implicit question: Is reality (eg,...

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Growth: what goes up must come down

Growth refers to many different topics: body, brain, business, cancer, climate, economy, ethics, inflation, politics, population, and the Universe. We use many different adjectives to describe growth, like: absolute, actual, historical, marginal, projected, relative. A decline is even negative growth. Source: Our World in Data The population diagram for 1750-2100...

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Is anything absolute or is all relative?

The philosopher Karl Popper (1902-1994) once defined three kinds of truths: absolute, objective and subjective. He also stated that it's unlikely that we will ever be able to find evidence for an absolute truth. Indeed, there are often exceptions to any "rule". Usually, time will reveal even more exceptions. If even the truth is relative, is there anything absolute?...

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