Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


The American healthcare conundrum

Intro LO: A recent Axios article on the U.S. rank in global healthy life expectancy caught my attention. The American healthcare system is a conundrum as it’s the best and the most expensive, while American life expectancy is only declining. The recent killing of an American healthcare CEO shows another, dark, industry feature because it’s “excellent” in denying...

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Neutrality: the edge of a polarising coin?

I’m not sure if neutrality even exists. I doubt that I am neutral if/when push comes to shove. I suppose that (my) open-mindedness is (very) different from (my) neutrality. Nevertheless, both seem rationally related; not emotionally. Switzerland is neutral, according to its self-imposed foreign policy (Wiki). Nevertheless, a majority of Swiss want closer ties to...

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The ‘Mainstream Media’ Has Already Lost (the Atlantic)

Intro LO: In my view, the premise of this article (ie, winning versus losing) is wrong. Mainstream media have not (yet) lost. Actually, it might well be (much) worse: mainstream media are (slowly) becoming irrelevant. The reason for that (alleged) irrelevance is about facts versus opinions. Mainstream media have migrated towards opinions - rather than facts -...

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Op 10 oktober 2024 kwam EenVandaag met het volgende nieuws: “Helft linkse kiezers wil immigratie beperken, maken zich vooral zorgen om opvangtekort en polarisatie”. Begin december 2024 draaide Frans Timmermans (o.a. BNR). Hij verschuilt zich achter het (kennis) rapport van de Staatscommissie Demografische Ontwikkelingen 2050. Meer waarschijnlijk is dat het om (zijn)...

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Is our identity important?

For the government, our identity is almost equal to our (Dutch) Social-Fiscal number, or our Social Security number (eg, USA). That number contains some relevant information, like our name and birthdate (source). Wikipedia: “[..] the Social Security number has become a de facto national identification number for taxation and other purposes.“...

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Trump’s import tariffs

Many articles claim that Trump's proposed surge in import tariffs (eg, Canada & Mexico, BRICS nations) will cause a surge in inflation. In and of itself, that (primary) argument is true. However, such articles often ignore its secondary impact, on demand & supply. Rising inflation will only be relevant for goods & services that we need. Items that we...

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