Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Trump’s Revolution of Common Sense

23 January 2025


It’s easy making fun of Trump’s Revolution of Common Sense. The words common sense hardly match with Trump’s (erratic) attitude, behaviour, and personality. His words often feel like the opposite of common sense.

Example #1: Trump has proposed a 10% tariff on all U.S. imports (eg, Reuters, 6 November 2024). That’s a guarantee for a (much) higher American inflation rather than common sense. It will hurt his presidency – and his voters.

Example #2: it’s indeed common sense in nature that there are only 2 genders: male and female. Nevertheless, nature does show some anomalies, like species that can change their sexuality (eg, BBC-2024, WWF-2023).

Example #3: on his first day, Trump signed an executive order aimed at ending birthright citizenship. That is quite ironic because Trump’s grandfather was a German citizen. Hence, Trump’s father would not have been American.

Trump’s verbal claims are often about reverse psychology. Hence, there are (big) “gaps” between his deeds, words, and intentions. Several people thus consider Trump as a compulsive, pathological liar (eg, Forbes, Fox, Vanity Fair, WSJ).

I suppose that Trump’s use of the words common sense is (only) directed towards his voters. Probably, its use is deliberately provoking his opponents. The more time we waste on Trump’s meanings, the more time Trump will gain.

I’m no longer a supporter of Donald Trump. Initially, I did give him the benefit of my doubt in 2015. I was very wrong. Please see my 2016 blog False Prophets. Those days are long gone. Nowadays, it’s about his deeds; not his words.

Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.

A quote by Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor (161-180 AD) and a Stoic philosopher

Common Sense (2024) by Amos Raber
artist, lyrics, video, YouTube, no Wikipedia

Common Sense, so sad to see you go
You′ll be greatly missed by all the common folks you know
Oh, they say this new age thinking gotta be the way to go
But we’re just common folks and Common Sense is all we know

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.




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