A recent Aeon article (ie, Will we ever know the origins of the Universe?) touched an unresolved thought of mine: must the Universe truly have a beginning?? The Aeon article has a clear answer: No. Not necessarily.
“The Malament-Manchak theorem presents us with a sobering limit: our observations, no matter how extensive, may never be sufficient to determine spacetime’s global structure. Mathematically, the possible shapes and properties of the Universe remain too numerous – many versions fit equally well with the data available from our past light cones. Though the Big Bang has been popularly hailed as the origin of our Universe, many physicists and philosophers remain unconvinced.”
Source: Aeon, 9 December 2024: Will we ever know the origins of the Universe?
Clearly, living matter has a beginning (eg, birth, seeds). I’m not sure if energy has a beginning. We cannot see energy. Thunder and lightning suggest a beginning. Its electricity may, however, not have a beginning.
Time is a human concept that we inherited from the Sumerian civilisation. The invention of human concepts may define a “beginning”. Nevertheless, the human concept of time may only suggest a beginning.
Space is usually defined by its 3 dimensions: height, length, and width. Adding time as a 4th dimension gives spacetime, a 1908 human concept presented by Hermann Minkowski.
How about the beginning of non-living matter in our Universe? The (alleged) age of planet Earth clearly suggests a beginning: c. 4.54 billion years ago. However, planets do not grow. So, what is the true beginning of our planet??
“Scientists now think the Earth’s story began around 4.6 billion years ago in a disk-shaped cloud of dust and gas rotating around the early sun, made up of material left behind after the sun’s formation.”
Source: UChicago News: How the Earth and moon formed
For me, it’s very, very difficult – if not sheer impossible – to envision a beginning of planet Earth from dust and gas, as left-overs from the Sun’s formation.
Then how about the planetary creation of cells, life, and/or water??
In the recent words of Dutch chemist and 2016 Nobel Prize winner Ben Feringa: “A single cell is more complex than an entire city” (el Pais). Also see recent Debrief article. Such complexity should require a blueprint in Evolution.
“According to groundbreaking new findings, single cells may be capable of learning without the need for complex brains and nervous systems.”
Source: The Debrief, 2024: Nobody knows how they can do this.
In my view, our philosophical views on creation of non-living matter (eg, planets, suns) are rooted in the creation of living matter (eg, animals, plants, trees). Hence, in the human view, there must be a beginning or origin.
Could I envision a lack of a beginning or origin?? Perhaps. An example would be (very) helpful. Perhaps, the Universe is that example.
Across the Universe (1969) by The Beatles
band, lyrics, video, Wiki-band, Wiki-song
Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.