Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Dutch PM: migrant integration failed

Monday, the Dutch PM said something that (very) many people (probably) believe as well: migrant integration has failed (eg, Volkskrant). In my view, not only in the Netherlands but also in Europe and in USA. Blaming Angela Merkel’s 2015 comment (“Wir schaffen das”) is relevant though too simple.

The context of the PM’s remark is relevant: the Amsterdam soccer riots. That reporting is politically biased as key info is often missing (eg, DW, Parool). Israel is very good in playing the victim role. American-Jew journalist Nathan Thrall: “Attacks on Israeli [soccer fans] are not antisemitic by definition” (Parool).

Arab and North African migrants in the Netherlands are also very good in playing the victim role. Any blame is countered by drawing the political Islam card: either you’re anti-Muslim (ie, anti-Semitic, my 2016 blog), or you’re a racist. Both works even better as a defence against blame.

In my view, a political victim role in a society prevents political integration within a society (eg, Muslims in Amsterdam West, Antwerp’s Jewish Quarter).

Nevertheless, a Chinatown, a Koreatown, or the Pennsylvania Duch are examples of non-integration; not of victim roles. A political victim role might thus (only) be an issue within certain religions. Moreover, victim roles are usually individual (eg, trauma); not collective.

Is it even possible integrating various people into one common identity??

The Canadian Sikh religious community – “the fourth-largest religious group in Canada, with nearly 800,000 adherents, or 2.1% of Canada’s population” – also suggests it’s not possible. Now, India even views Canadian Sikhs as a threat (eg, 2023 assassination of Canadian Sikh).

Is the solution as simple as acceptance versus rejection??

To be continued – or not.

Stand and Deliver (1981) by Adam and the Ants
band, lyrics, video, Wiki-band, Wiki-song

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.




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