Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

A Nation gets the Leader it deserves (2)

I was considering using the 1985 David Bowie and Pat Metheny song This is not America, until I realised my wishful thinking. This is indeed America ! Like it or leave it. Below, I’ve selected another 1985 song from the Rocky IV film of that year. It feels more appropriate.

Actually, I regret that I have trusted the information from left-liberal media, like the New York Times. Moreover, I regret believing this NYT article that I used for my blog: The American Prophet of Presidential Elections.

Perhaps, the reason is different though similar: we cannot trust election polling anymore. Scientific American, 31 October 2024: “Why Election Polling Has Become Less Reliable. Election polls are increasingly vulnerable to huge mistakes”.

Recently, I had a weird thought: did Joe Biden torpedo the chances of Kamala Harris by his weirdgarbage” comments?? Sources: BBC, CNN, the Hill. Moreover, Biden subsequently changed the official version of that Hillary Clinton-like “basket of deplorables” insult (2016).

The ultimate reason might be very different: a European will never understand Americans. My only comfort is that history professor and election prophet Alan Lichtman does (did) neither.

In the 1980s, I considered living in America. Today, my feeling is different: this is not my America. Nevertheless, that country will remain one of my all-time favourites because of its natural beauty.

Living in America (1985) by James Brown
artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-artist, Wiki-song

Living in America – eye to eye, station to station
Living in America – hand to hand, across the nation
Living in America – got to have a celebration

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.




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