Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Talk too much

Recently, I asked my (new) girlfriend if I talk too much. She answered with a No but I’m not convinced. I think I do because I know myself. I talk too much if and when I want to impress someone with the “things” that I care about.

Several decades ago, I received the advice to bite my tongue because I was talking too much at my audit clients. I appreciated that sincere advice and I changed my habits. Nowadays, I only talk (too much) in front of trusted others. Else, I’m mostly silent.

Moreover, my silence allows for wandering inside my mind. Talking (too much) prevents introspection. I use my daily internet game for the necessary distraction from that introspection. At times, my overthinking is quite serious (eg, my 2020 blog: Is someone who overthinks also someone who overloves?).

At this point, some people might argue: you write too much. In and of itself, such a statement is true but my aim of talking versus writing is very different. My writing is about helping others: you’re not alone ! My messages are about explaining how you can help yourself.

My talking is quite often to convince others by putting a “mirror” in their face. Moreover, my talking – rather than my writing – is often related to (my) opinions that are usually rooted in facts (from others). Fact-free opinions are useless; not an entitlement.

Today’s blog is a kind of reckoning with myself.

“The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish.”

A quote by author Robert Greene from his 1999 book The 48 Laws of Power

It took me a while finding the song below, although its melody was still somewhere in my memories. It used to be a Dutch hit song when I was 15.

You Talk Too Much (1960) by Spooky & Sue (1975)
duo, lyrics, video, Wiki-duo, Wiki-song

You talk too much
You worry me to death
You talk too much
You even worry my pet

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.



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