For some time, I have been wondering what inspiration actually is. Nearly each day, my inspiration arrives, and/but almost never when I need or want it most. It just comes at its own pace. Last Wednesday’s night, the thought that inspiration is a search for talent suddenly arrived.
My remarks needs some elaboration: I never receive ideas for books, movies, music, painting, sculpting or whatever. I suppose I lack the talent. Apparently, writing non-fiction is a talent that I discovered very late in my life. For some 11 years, my inspiration keeps on flowing.

In my view, inspiration is an unknown unknown. We have no control over it. Based on my own experience, I doubt that inspiration moves directly to known knowns. I contemplate before I accept and integrate. In my view, inspiration moves either through intuition or via beliefs towards known knowns.
I suppose universal consciousness might be the Sender of inspiration rather than anything else. I do believe that inspiration selects its Receivers on a first come, first served basis. At some point in time, inspiration moves on to the next person (eg, TED Talk below).
Electromagnetic radiation (eg, radio waves, sunlight) transfers heat and data (eg, Wi-Fi signals). Receiving inspiration might be viewed as an example of transferring data-info. However, the selection process of Receivers suggests that inspiration is (part of) a force, like Light.
I feel privileged receiving that inspiration. Unlike Elizabeth Gilbert (see below), I do feel like a pipeline and not like a mule. Yes, my writing is indeed exhausting but so much rewarding when you finally see the result of the inspiration.
In 2009, writer Elizabeth Gilbert (eg, Eat, Pray, Love) gave a TED Talk on inspiration, or in her words: Your elusive creative genius (eg, transcript). I recommend listening to it if and when you’re interested in the topic of inspiration.
Your elusive creative genius (2009) by Elizabeth Gilbert
EG, transcript, video, Wiki-EG
“That’s not at all what my creative process is — I’m not the pipeline! I’m a mule, and the way that I have to work is I have to get up at the same time every day, and sweat and labor and barrel through it really awkwardly.”
Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.