Early 2016, I wrote my blog: Unknown unknowns – dreams. I suppose dreams are often about doubt, fear, hope & love. Sometimes, my dreams feel like science-fiction. According to ancient Sumerian (religious) beliefs, the human soul can travel during sleep and in the afterlife.
In my view, the soul is the linking pin between individual and universal consciousness. My view allows for a travelling soul during our sleep and having (travel) experiences a.k.a. dreams.
Today’s question is: why can’t we remember our dreams??
I’m aware that there is a small solution: (i) do not move your body once you are awake, and (ii) immediately start focussing on the dream that is already fading away. To some extent, it’s then possible to remember some parts of that dream but not details.
“She advises clients who want to remember their dreams to take a moment when they wake up, before they even move their body, to think about what they were just dreaming and remember as much as possible. This moves the dream from short-term memory to long-term memory.”
Scientific American, 2023: Why Do We Forget So Many of Our Dreams?
That solution only works for very recent dreams that happened just before waking up. I’m not aware of any solution for dreams that are slightly older. The reasons seems this: during sleep, our brain is (i) cleaned from waste and toxins (eg, AAS-2024), and (ii) recent memories are stored.
The difference between inspiration and dreaming is huge although both are unknown unknowns. The Sender of inspiration may need or want us to listen. The Receiver of dreams might be “eavesdropping” into universal consciousness. Perhaps, we are supposed to forget our dreams.
Last Saturday night, I had a weird dream about (i) an existing address that was now missing in official records, (ii) a kind of Tarot playing card with two happy faces, and (iii) a phrase that might be a warning.
I preferred forgetting my dream and did little effort remembering its parts.
I’ve Got Dreams to Remember (1968) by Otis Redding (1941-1967)
artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-artist, Wiki-song
Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.